26-30, M
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Changeisgonnacome: Did the Dep defamation trial discredit #metoo?
MeToo has been discredited for a while.
2 yrs ago
iHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing: How long did it take you to get over your first...
@Elandra77 I’ve reached the end of my emotional r...
5 yrs ago
SimplyTracie: Y’all been given a direct order from your...
@jetpack I'm in college and for some reason people...
5 yrs ago
Nimbus: Trump: "There was no collusion with Russia. There...
It better be, the left has been bellyaching about...
5 yrs ago
Chiron: Where do you see yourself by the end of 2018?
@SW-User Thanks for the kind words. I hope your...
7 yrs ago
Chiron: Where do you see yourself by the end of 2018?
I want to save enough money to start pharmacy...
7 yrs ago
iHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing: Why does Trump get so much hate from people?
@CountScrofula Thanks for actually contributing to...
7 yrs ago
iHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing: Why does Trump get so much hate from people?
@puck61 I think it's very telling that when DJT...
7 yrs ago
iHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing: Why does Trump get so much hate from people?
@SoggedNapped You seem like a nice person.
7 yrs ago
iHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing: Why does Trump get so much hate from people?
@Bootsiebaby You mean the Fake News?
7 yrs ago
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