A coworker wanted to stop by his house, I was riding in his van, and it was wild...
No carpet and he had been drawing a mural on his wall of the apocalypse. Then he took me to the basement and he had two chairs and one had a fake skeleton (I hope) dressed in clothes and propped up like it was having a beer. I got so nervous I asked to leave. The next day other coworkers that knew were telling me to never go there again. I was 19 😬
No carpet and he had been drawing a mural on his wall of the apocalypse. Then he took me to the basement and he had two chairs and one had a fake skeleton (I hope) dressed in clothes and propped up like it was having a beer. I got so nervous I asked to leave. The next day other coworkers that knew were telling me to never go there again. I was 19 😬
StarsMISaligned · 51-55, F
@MarbleMarvel holy creep! Scary!
SomeMichGuy · M
@StarsMISaligned Yes, the very definition of it.
beermeplease · M
a loaded gun that was pointed at my face by a friend. it belonged to a guy we were buying weed from. it was just sitting on the dining room table. the look on the guys face as he walked back in the room and how he said to my friend for him to "put it down now...it's loaded" i almost soiled myself.....this was back in the 80s when i was about 15.
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AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@beermeplease omg 😲
@beermeplease I remember You telling me this before
beermeplease · M
@NativePortlander1970 it was that close from me not being able for me to reply to this post...
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I didn't see anything terrible but there's a distinct smell which I call the smell of a dirty kitchen and I noticed it at a few people's places.
@CrazyMusicLover Nasty smell
tiltawhirl · 36-40, F
Let’s just say.. they were very obviously hoarders. It’s sad really. I’d help her clean if she wanted but she practically freaked out that I was going to throw away some sweepings from the floor.
StarsMISaligned · 51-55, F
@tiltawhirl gag!!
meggie · F
A high school friend invited me to her home after school. Her father kept leering at my chest and creeped me out. Another time I went to someone's house for dinner and when I sat at the table to a lovely looking roast all I could smell was the two unwashed dogs under the table.
bijouxbroussard · F
Decades ago, I went with a friend to her parents’ house.
They had a Confederate battle flag on the wall in the family room. I did excuse myself, and left.
They had a Confederate battle flag on the wall in the family room. I did excuse myself, and left.
StarsMISaligned · 51-55, F
@bijouxbroussard eeek! Yea, byyyyye
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
A lion. There's a lady with a hair salon at her home. An elderly client needed a ride, so i took her. Someone else would be picking her up. I got her into the building with her wheelchair helped her get onto the beautician's chair a few minutes later i hear a growl I'm like wtf i turn around and theres a lion standing there looking at me. And she says dont be afraid he doesn't bite 🙄 in my mind i was saying b*** are you crazy? She called it over and hugged and pet it as i slid right out the door.
Punches · 46-50, F
Nothing horrible like some of the other stories. Closest I can think of -
Was going to some friend's house years ago, he said his grandfather might be there.
Grandfather was some "Right wing republican fundamentalist christian old-school values" type.
Gramps was there alright. He didn't say anything but the tension was pretty rough. Like if one didn't clench their 4sshole the entire time he was around...
I feel like I missed an opportunity that day. I should have asked him how he felt about interracial transgender illegal immigrant couples adopting kids from countries in South America.
I will bet ONE SHINY QUARTER he would have said, "I think it is wonderful."
But yeah, what I do not want to be around is aforementioned "Right wing republican fundamentalist christian old-school values" type.
Was going to some friend's house years ago, he said his grandfather might be there.
Grandfather was some "Right wing republican fundamentalist christian old-school values" type.
Gramps was there alright. He didn't say anything but the tension was pretty rough. Like if one didn't clench their 4sshole the entire time he was around...
I feel like I missed an opportunity that day. I should have asked him how he felt about interracial transgender illegal immigrant couples adopting kids from countries in South America.
I will bet ONE SHINY QUARTER he would have said, "I think it is wonderful."
But yeah, what I do not want to be around is aforementioned "Right wing republican fundamentalist christian old-school values" type.
Dishes piled high that looked like they had been there for months with a lot of flies and bugs flying around. 🤢
StarsMISaligned · 51-55, F
@YourMomsSecretCrush nasty!!!!
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beermeplease · M
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My sister allowing her dogs to drink tea out of human mugs.
People smoking ...instant leave for me
SomeMichGuy · M
Disgusting kitchen
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StarsMISaligned · 51-55, F
@DearAmbellina2113 yuck! I can't handle that either. That's how my best friend's house is
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candycane · 36-40, F
There was a huge bees nest in the whole living room wall with bees flying in the living room
@candycane Bees seem to like me in a good way
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
SomeMichGuy · M
@ShenaniganFoodie ...this made you leave? 🤨
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
@SomeMichGuy It's my sister