I can always smell aromatherapy oils, especially the citrus ones because I use those loads. One of my friends said it smells like a health shop lol. I don't think that's a compliment but it's home and I love it.
BrewCityBarfly · M
When I first started moving in, it smelled like old people and mustiness. Apparently, they hadn't opened the windows in years, and just ran AC in summer and heat in winter. I actually got the windows working again, but replaced just to let in fresh air.
The mustiness sometimes pervades because I'm still ripping out the old wood making up the basement rec room, and really need to yank out the remaining gosh awful carpeting. Other than that, it probably smells like I have a cat and a dog. Sometimes I put a few drops of essential oils on the furnace filter or burn a candle if I go too long without having the windows open (like all winter).
The mustiness sometimes pervades because I'm still ripping out the old wood making up the basement rec room, and really need to yank out the remaining gosh awful carpeting. Other than that, it probably smells like I have a cat and a dog. Sometimes I put a few drops of essential oils on the furnace filter or burn a candle if I go too long without having the windows open (like all winter).
Scribbles · 36-40, F
Right now, it's fresh air from the windows open and banana bread.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Like cut grass
Ive got all the windows up for fresh air
Normally it smells like perfume lol 😆 or food
Ive got all the windows up for fresh air
Normally it smells like perfume lol 😆 or food
Mooed78 · F
Like vanilla from the smelly candle I burn

clean laundry, Nag Champa, Myer's dish soap, and ganga
BeJeweled · 61-69, F
Eggs, just made egg salad. 😋

My house is mostly very new less than 2 years old after house extensions. So I can still smell materials sometimes and new carpet. Most of the time I can’t smell anything.
being · 36-40, F
Sweaty shirts 🤷 that's it
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Chocolate. From the mellanger spinning in the kitchen.
Fresh bread in the oven.
Fresh bread in the oven.
DreamyCrush · F
A combination of bleach, candles, and whatever I've cooked most recently.

It smells like nothing.
It smells a bit like floor cleaner for a few hours on weekends.
It smells a bit like floor cleaner for a few hours on weekends.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Since I just mopped the floors. Lemon and pine
Fluffybull · F
Soup! Am making soup now! 😆🥣🥣🥣🥣🥣🥣
MrEagle · 41-45, M
Yesterday was laundry day. So that.
Funlov · M
Like a home
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Submissiveiendencies · 22-25
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Iwantout · 26-30, M
Cat and incense
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
Probably dog mostly but not stinky dog and we burn candles too
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Fresh air, sage, sweaty people and dust
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Cleaning products, shampoo, sweet perfume and sex.

Like blue cheese in a sumo wrestler's buttcrack
