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christmas parties - love em or hate em ?

I hate em these days. Too boozy and you're expected to be flirtatious with everyone including the bosses. Not for me.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
I have a rule of never socialising with the company outside of work time. I go to some parties but work ones are out as management are the enemy.
Neoerectus · M
@zonavar68 I agree. They are work colleagues. I might have friendships in addition, but I generally compartmentalize. Crossing those boundaries are risky.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Neoerectus Especially with some much immersion of work socialising with social media, etc. and stuff like Code of Conducts, etc. bandied about like a #metoo banner in the corporate space.
I don’t care for them
They’re never the morale booster that the arrogant elitist executives think they will be
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@SW-User A previous depot mgr at my work used to put on regular 'stop for safety' bbq's but really they were invites for all the bosses to come and chest-beat corporate culture and values to people who live/breathe the company at ground level everyday and do no want to listen to corporate cocks going on about executive level stuff.
@zonavar68 yep.. pretty atypical
a part of the Holiday Season and attendance is expected at many of them. the Doctor Wives Association Christmas Party is a must
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@saragoodtimes Put on your Daisy Dukes baby!!!! LOL
@caesar7 it would be more reserved than that
Neoerectus · M
@saragoodtimes If required, one must be paid to be there. Recent Court cases to this effect in the US.
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
I went off them when some guys tried to get very 'hands on' with me and the front desk girl and we said no but they didn't listen. Ended up being a HR dispute but luckily venue had CCTV footage to back us up, and two guys got sacked. So for me, personally, I'm out for work xmas functions. Mel went last yr but she's 30 weeks preg now and not going to ours.
Gusman · 61-69, M
I do not enjoy them so I never attend.
This year I thought I would show my appreciation for the company looking after me when I broke my ankle at work and attend the Christmas Party.
Guess what happened? I got covid and an the virus is still lingering after 18 days. 🙄
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
I was more into the food part of them . 🎄 ❤️ 🌹
Lilymoon · F
That's a hard pass 😝

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