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Who do people just skip over thanksgiving?

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Selah ·
People dont like their family and its not a gift giving holiday and turkey is dry🤷🏾

People dont like their family

Some don't like their families.

its not a gift giving holiday

Thanksgiving is about being thankful (for our Constitution, initially), not about getting things.

turkey is dry

...if it isn't cooked properly or allowed to "relax", it certainly can be. But it isn't inherent to turkey.
People cant find much to be thakful for
For me, I'm thankful that I have food to eat. @Shybutwilling2bfriends
No family nor friends. Or bad relationships with family. Or the holiday reminding them of painful losses. Or friends going to their own families on that day.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Who skips it ?????
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I always make a turkey and some stuffing and mashed potatoes and green beans. I don't think it hurts and I love turkey. But I'm also American.
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
It's my favorite holiday....very non commercial compared to all the others!!
I don’t completely understand the question. I’m less inclined to celebrate since my mother passed away because she was a big part of what made the holidays a happy time. 😞
Ynotisay · M
I can't remember the last time I celebrated it in the traditional sense. I don't subscribe to "have to" and unnecessary pressure. People get so flipped around the holidays and it just doesn't make sense to me.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Ynotisay Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people, after all.
Ynotisay · M
@LordShadowfire Ha. Not too far from the truth with that one. :)
I think that Christmas has the pressure of getting gifts, decorating, etc., and Thanksgiving is placed too close to that.
Why would people celebrate a holiday that's only one century old and pretend it's their tradition? Because being honest isn't tolerated.
meJess · F
Because walking is too slow and there is no running in the corridors
Some people work and are too tired to do all that cooking.
Pandulce · 13-15, F
It's just not something we celebrate
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Are they classed as skipping because of no turkey, or just don’t recognize the holiday?
RedBaron · M
How many people?
Apparently they aren't thankful
Frostcloud · F
i dont care for it. for what selah said (so real about the turkey) and also, like, the genocide. but my family gets together so i do tend to go.. depending on who will be there.
I don't celebrate it
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
I don't skip it.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I can think of a number of things.

First of all, it's expensive. (Yeah, I know, so is Christmas, but still.)

Secondly, the Thanksgiving story is a myth at best, and colonist propaganda at worst. The settlers didn't have a big celebratory feast with the Indians and sing the medieval equivalent of Kumbaya. They used the knowledge Squanto and others gave them, and had their own feast, which the Indians wanted no part of, because they knew what would happen come winter when they didn't have all that extra food anymore.
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MethDozer · M
I didn't know they did.
swirlie · F
Turkeys are sold out?

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