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Recently I bought the new loyalist legion herald from Forgeworld to replace my old one which was Imperial Fists specific and is no longer in production. But I like the banner on the old one better, and the banner on the new one I got was covered in a thick clear residue which I think is release agent from the casting process but is so caked on that washing it twice made no difference (washing it once got rid of it from every other piece). So I took the banner off the old one, repositioned the banner-holding arm on the new one to match the hand position on the old banner, and now have to paint it before attaching the banner (which has a transfer on it already so repainting it is difficult). The rest of the old model is going to become a Champion/Delegatus, and be given a pistol. I also might use the command squad upgrade set to make Templar Brethren - they won't be as good as proper resin upgrades, but it uses the bodies I've had sitting on my desk for months now, and the main difference is paint scheme anyway (their main colour is black rather than yellow), just have to get mark 3 marine shoulder pads.