Ok I've finally decided on the last unit to get for High Elves
Following my last post on the subject, I went through and figured out how many points a noble on sun dragon was, and it turned out to be the exact number of points I had left over in my 4000 point list. He won't be bought for a long time yet, but I like planning this stuff out in advance. So now all the models I'll get looks like this:
Ishaya Vess (bought her on Wednesday)
Sea Helm (comes in the Skycutter kit)
Loremaster (already got)
White Lion captain
Noble on dragon
88x Sea Guard
30x Swordmasters
15x White Lions
2x Skycutters
2x Bolt Throwers (planning to convert these out of the ones that come in the Skycutter kit)
2x Lion Chariots
10x Dragon Princes
They're all going to be painted using the same colours to be similar to the box.
Blue: Caledor Sky, Teclis Blue(?)
White: Celestra Grey, Ulthuan Grey
Metal: Leadbelcher, Ironbreaker
Gold: Retributor Armour
Red: Mephiston Red, Evil Suns Scarlet
Sea Green: Incubi Darkness, Kabalite Green
Brown: Mournfang Brown
Bone: Zandri Dust, Ushabti Bone (Baneblade Brown for a few panels on the skycutter?)
Lions: Wraithbone/Morghast Bone?, Rakarth Flesh
Ishaya Vess (bought her on Wednesday)
Sea Helm (comes in the Skycutter kit)
Loremaster (already got)
White Lion captain
Noble on dragon
88x Sea Guard
30x Swordmasters
15x White Lions
2x Skycutters
2x Bolt Throwers (planning to convert these out of the ones that come in the Skycutter kit)
2x Lion Chariots
10x Dragon Princes
They're all going to be painted using the same colours to be similar to the box.
Blue: Caledor Sky, Teclis Blue(?)
White: Celestra Grey, Ulthuan Grey
Metal: Leadbelcher, Ironbreaker
Gold: Retributor Armour
Red: Mephiston Red, Evil Suns Scarlet
Sea Green: Incubi Darkness, Kabalite Green
Brown: Mournfang Brown
Bone: Zandri Dust, Ushabti Bone (Baneblade Brown for a few panels on the skycutter?)
Lions: Wraithbone/Morghast Bone?, Rakarth Flesh