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Idk just venting

I've been having a bit of trouble making big army lists for the high elves I want to get. The smaller ones are pretty much sorted, but the one where I use every unit I like at once (4000 points, around double the size of a standard game) I'm finding I'm struggling with how to organise everything. I have two issues: I like having units in pairs (aka two of each unit both the same size) and I like the idea of having a hero character to lead each unit. I keep wanting to do both but I can't, and taking one big unit means I have to keep buying movement trays which is annoying (because if I do it once I end up trying it with everything). I can accept only having one unit of White Lions with a character attached, but that leaves me with 200+ points to spend that I simply can't decide what to use on. I guess I could try Phoenix Guard, but then I'm buying a unit because I feel like I have to rather than because I want to. I want to get more Dragon Princes, but that puts me like 150+ points over the limit because a unit of 10 is 391 points. Maybe I'll get a dragon instead.

I have decided how I'll paint them though: blue and white cloth, steel armour, and pale wood, like the box art (but more consistent across units). I'll do all the base coats, shade the whole thing with Nuln Oil, and brighten it up with a layer on each colour. No highlights except for heroes, as they're going to be in big blocks of models anyway so don't much need to stand out individually except for the heroes who deserve a bit more attention. The only colour I'm not sure if I'll need and don't have is Baneblade Brown, but that's a minor colour on the Skycutter anyway so can wait until a bit later.

Anyway, thanks for listening, all 5 of you who get this far :)
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SomeMichGuy · M Best Comment
I admire your attention to details and practicality.
Why, thank you, @KiwiDan!
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@SomeMichGuy It's OK, you don't have to thank me for that.
@KiwiDan Hey, I got BC! 😊

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