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Good financial decision

I bought another dreadnought. This time I got the contemptor plus the upgrade in a single transaction because I was bored. The plan is to make this one fully melta for some anti-tank punch (with a chainfist so it's literal), and use the other arm to make a left-handed power fist for my fully resin contemptor to have on display. Then I'd just need to rebase it to go with the rest of my army, which will be easy enough since the superglue will just snap lol

...wait this was a bad financial decision wasn't it? Oh no 😱
shakemeup · 36-40
I think it sounds pretty cool. :)
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@shakemeup I think you're pretty cool :)
shakemeup · 36-40
@KiwiDan I wanted to tell you that I was just learning more about rogue traders and deepkin. I think I'm interested in those the most. I like the space pirate vibe. But I'm a little confused how they fit into the whole Warhammer universe. Are they on the emperor's side or their own side. Both? And the ocean elf soul reaper thing is crazy and I think makes for a neat backstory to them. Wow. They look so cool too.
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@shakemeup rogue traders are on the Emperor's side, but just have free reign to create new trade routes and stuff. Idoneth Deepkin are pretty crazy!

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