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Petty People

When you post a selfie, do you keep track of who liked it or coommented on it? Do you get mad at a user if they liked someone else's selfie?
RebelFox · 36-40, F
Nope I just wanna see peoples faces!
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@CestManan when i post pics, theres two or three people that always respond with the care emoji. .....'awww' .
Im never sure how to take that!! Lol
CestManan · 46-50, F
@RubySoo I usually get a few sympathy likes is about all.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@RubySoo Yes I get that too sometimes.
ExtremeNext · 31-35
Yes I stalk people and their family's if they don't like me
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@ExtremeNext good for you 😋
CestManan · 46-50, F
I do not care who likes who's photos. Interesting to see how many reactions I get but I a not jealous.

Ya know though, the number of likes means little because sometimes a real pretty woman can post a pic and get an average number yet some haggardly old fuggo posts her pic and it gets a ton of likes.
Punxi · 26-30, F
I post selfies for participation. Enjoy seeing who I mingle with here. 🤷‍♀️
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Punxi me too
I play the catch my selfie in one min game and idc bout hearts thats just silly
Magenta · F
😄 I very rarely even post a selfie or frequent those posts. Sure I notice who commented on my own, so I can respond. Defo not to the other, but I have no doubt some do that.
Montanaman · M
People need to continue to be polite and respectful though. One rude comment and it spoiks the whole thing.
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Lilnonames · F
@Montanaman [media=]
It's usually friends' that like or comment on my selfies.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
I don't know what you're talking about
Theres someone here who is bitter about me having blocked them, and each time I post one, despite 'her' being blocked, gets mean and nasty about it 🤷‍♀️
Nah, I get mad when it's Monday morning 😤
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Lol! This is funny
ReneeT · 61-69, M
Not really. Most of the people I know are the ones who comment or like it. It is different when someone I don't know says anything but I don't get mad if the like someone else's.
posted mine once very recently, i was pleasantly surprised it received a few reactions. I did not keep track of who reacted though.
I do it once in a while ...and no I don't care ..but it's nice to see who I interact with on here
I post selfies so rarely, that I do notice when someone likes it or says something kind. I tend to stay away from selfie posts, generally. It’s a youngster’s game, really. 👩🏽‍🦳
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
Nope i don't really leave it up long enough for a lot to even see
RedBaron · M
I don’t post selfies. I have a life.
Fairydust · F
I wouldn’t even notice lol 😆
Good heavens, no.
Im kinda over posting selfies .

I do it now and then to participate. But im not comforable getting comments on it unless its q photo i put effort into. I mean , its nice when people compliment you , but its also a little weird having people then lightly stalk you just becuase of it.

I do wonder why so many people use filters though.
DDonde · 31-35, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Seriously? People are just dumb.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Lilnonames · F
Nope don't bother me one bit but I heart everyone who post a selfie and some I comment as well. I only leave my Pic up a Lil while I don't want to b floating around the internet
empanadas · 31-35, M
Naw I don't care about here enough

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