Doomflower · 41-45, M
I saw a special on free diving. 5 minutes is a long time but possible.
LifeisReal · 31-35, M
When I swim, I can't hold my breathe for more than 20 seconds, cuz of my fast heart rate. Its easier if I'm doing nothing. :/
StefanoHopkins · 56-60, M
Unconsciousness as administered by means of a sleeper hold, or carotid pressure, makes an excellent punishment for a woman to administer to a male, since it is important for the male to surrender as part of the procedure......
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
(don't) knock yourself out ;)
LifeisReal · 31-35, M
Actually, a friend held her breathe long enough and knocked herself out, but it wasn't enough to kill her, her body recovered. Just like its impossible to choke yourself with your bare hands. You'll lose consciousness, but your grip would lessen.