I've got a set stored away from over 35 years ago. I keep thinking I'm going to get it out and build a layout. I think it would be cool to have an overhead train running in my office at home. :)
@TomboyJanet Yeah I had a tanker car that would have cleaning solvent. No steam type engines but newer diesel locomotive. But if I remember right it had a stripped drive gear so I used a switch engine to pull the cars around.
@ToyMan I usually buy used and older engines and then get them to work if I can. Some of them work if you just rock them back and fourth enough times with forward and reverse but that wouldn't help for gear issues. For that I'm still learning
@TomboyJanet Ahh, lol. I was going to suggest you watch a few Youtube videos of a guy called Fred Dibnah, he used to renovate steam trains and suchlike. One of those guys who is really easy to watch and listen to as he has such a knowledge and passion for what he is doing.
However, avoid his steeplejack videos if you don't have a head for heights. I feel sick just watching them 🤢
@Quizzical HAha I still got my tomboy spirit of adventure! but yeah It would be sooo cool to be like Ward Kimbell or someone who had their own real engines in the yard with track and all.
@TomboyJanet Unfortunately my engineering knowledge pretty much stopped at Meccano... Oh and taking things apart and never putting them back together again 😁
@SageWanderer I wish I could have seen revenue steam working for real. Though occasionally Strasburg uses it's steam engines for freight but mostly they use the diesel Switcher. I've seen videos of docksides working in BEDT and that looked so exciting to me
@TomboyJanet I dismantled my layout when we last moved but want to rebuild again. I remember the sound of those engines and go to see them when their near by on tour.
@IstillmissEP Lionel: For people who have bigger houses than Janet :P lol But there are some BEAUTIFUL Lionel steamers out there that I sooo want anyway.
@Chrisy1 oo is just the european term for HO so yeah it's the same. Just like Europe counts axels on steam engines instead of wheels. :P sorry Im a nerd