To delete a photo permanently: Go to your profile and press "Photos" Select the album where the...
If you deleted the photo from your album, it was indeed deleted. However, please note that all...
In any social network, profile pictures are always public and can be seen by anyone. The Search...
You must not impersonate or attempt to mislead users into believing you are someone else. Please...
Users are allowed to post images that contain mild nudity, as long as the post is marked as Nudity....
Private Album and Post Images album are special albums and are always private. It is currently not...
The albums operate the following way: Private Album - An album that only you can view. This album...
Since March 2019, we allow uploads of Animated GIF images up to 2MB of size. ---- It is also...
At the moment, we only support adding YouTube videos on your Posts. It is not possible to upload...
Just above the text box where you are writing your Post, press the following button: You can...
Only empty albums can be deleted. Therefore, if you are trying to delete an album that contains...
Some profiles of other users show a number on their profile picture. This is the number of photos...
You may need to install "Proprietary Media Components" on your Chromebook. To do that, go to your...
You may need to install "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" on your Ubuntu. To do that, find the Terminal...