Can I post photos containing Nudity or Sexual Explicit content?
Users are allowed to post images that contain mild nudity, as long as the post is marked as Nudity.
Users who don't have their Settings to show Nudity should not see any nudity on SimilarWorlds.
Please note that:
If you see any picture containing nudity that is not marked as Nudity, please feel free to use the Report Abuse button and select the first option: "Nudity content, but not marked as such". If this option is not available, that means that the post is already marked as Nudity.
If you see a profile picture containing nudity, please report the profile with the reason "Inappropriate profile photo".
Users who don't have their Settings to show Nudity should not see any nudity on SimilarWorlds.
Please note that:
- We do not allow images that are focused or zoomed in to genital areas, or where sexually explicit acts are involved.
- Under NO circumstances we will allow pictures of naked children or minors.
- We do not allow profile pictures with nudity.
If you see any picture containing nudity that is not marked as Nudity, please feel free to use the Report Abuse button and select the first option: "Nudity content, but not marked as such". If this option is not available, that means that the post is already marked as Nudity.
If you see a profile picture containing nudity, please report the profile with the reason "Inappropriate profile photo".