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How many of you think Fat shaming is OK and they should not be accepted in society?

I feel fat shaming is bad... Yes it is unhealthy but we all have some unhealthy habits... I also have eating disorder and I can't gain weight. A lot of women get obese after pregnancy... Would you fat shame your wife, mother or sister?
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Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible This meme helps HOW?
Invisible · 26-30, M
It expresses my answer to the question 😂
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: It expresses your ignorance.
Invisible · 26-30, M
@Phire1: So what you're saying is that I'm welcome to answer the question unless the answer is something you don't like? 🙄
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: No. You're answering the question with ignorance, is all.
Invisible · 26-30, M
There's nothing ignorant about understanding that food is the only thing that can make you fat. Sure, meds, thyroid, conditions, and the like can make you hungry, but unless you overeat you won't gain a pound. Fat people show to me that that don't have self control, that they don't care about their health, and when they want to normalize it it shows me that they're crazy, too. Fat shaming isn't something I'd do myself, but I have absolutely no pity for anyone on the receiving end.
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: Well, you just DID "fat shame." But hey, at least you finally gave an honest, written-out, answer even though it is one that is still ignorant, imo. You appear to be very young, which may contribute to your BS. However, I appreciate you providing a written-out answer. At any rate, you seem to recognize that people may have other contributing factors as to their weight gain other than 'overeating.' I appreciate that you realize that.
Invisible · 26-30, M
There is nothing ignorant about my answer just because you don't like it. The weight people gain comes directly from the calories they eat, and there is nothing ignorant about stating that fact. If you disagree, then you are the one who is ignorant.
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: Sorry, but no. You are the one ignorant. How about you spend some time researching about the reasons companies in the U.S. changed their food products' ingredients. I'm sure you've heard of high fructose corn syrup at some point. I'm sure you've heard of many, many things about foods in the U.S., haven't you? However, even the food industry is not the sole reason, I agree.
Invisible · 26-30, M
It is physically impossible to gain weight if you eat fewer calories than you burn. If you think otherwise, you're a loon. It's as simple as that, and calling me ignorant with no justification isn't going to change anything. Sorry if the truth hurts
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: Ah, but I DID give justification (truth hurts). Instead of "fat shaming" how about you go learn some compassion, empathy, and how the food and drug industry works. While you're at it, learn about genetics and the multitude of medications that constribute to a shit-ton of side effects which Also include weight gain at times. Mothers who gain weight after giving birth and can't get the weight off. And the busy lifestyle people within the U.S. have that contributes to eating fast foods because it's a quick meal within not much time in the day. Or how about you just simply research on your own rather than being a damn Bully! What you are doing is taking a few people who are extremely obese and trying to apply that visual to the whole that are considered "obese." Do you even know that 20-40 lbs over the weight guideline is considered "obese" now? At any rate, thank you for contributiting your thought-out responses.
Invisible · 26-30, M
@Phire1: The food and drug industries aren't magically making you fat, you're just overeating. Maybe you're overeating because the food and medications you take are making you hungry, maybe not, but I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty. IF YOU EAT FEWER CALORIES THAN YOU BURN, NO MEDICATION OR THING THAT YOU INGEST OR PREGNANCY OR GENETICS OR ANYTHING ELSE WILL EVER MAKE YOU GIAN WEIGHT. PERIOD.

I don't care about what qualifies as obese or what kind of lifestyle you live, those are not what this conversation is about. It's about your inability to grasp the above fact that I'm trying to convey. If you think it's not a fact, then tell me why. Until then, stop harassing me just because I will NOT agree with your ridiculous notions in order to not be labelled a bully, fat-shamer, or what have you.

People need to grow some god damn spines and take some responsibility for their bodies.
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: Nobody said the food industry are "magically" making anyone gain weight. But, you sure have ignored every single point of mine. Medications Can increase appetite but here you are saying "maybe not." YES, pregnancy DOES make women gain weight and it CAN be ridicuously difficult to lose the weight (not all women). You've completely ignored every point just to try to say "burn more calories." It's that simple FOR YOU...especially being that you are Young. Yes, you SHOULD care about what qualifies as "obese" because that is what the U.S. is going by...What Qualifies! You are the one who needs to research... that's how this works. Yes, you Have been a bully! And for you to say *I* am "harassing" You is complete BS. If you don't like this conversation then exit. I think you're more irritated by my not accepting your bullying tactics than anything else. Again, there are MANY reasons why some people are "obese." Bullying and shaming them for such DOES NOT *HELP* THEM. If you can't grasp the psychology on that you definitely need some damn compassion and empathy, at the least. (truth hurts)
Invisible · 26-30, M
Enjoy living in your fantasy world where your body is everyone else's fault. 👋

Unfortunately, unlike weight, IQ is mostly out of our control, so I don't blame you for your retarded responses
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: MY body is not. But, you sure do have an issue with other peoples' bodies....
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: Lol! IQ, huh? Boy you sure do have a shit-ton of ad hominem. Aw, are you mad that YOU didn't research? Not my problem. Quit being a bully!
Invisible · 26-30, M
😂 No, I'd rather piss you off because you're an idiot and don't know what you're talking about
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: Project much?
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@Phire1: stop FEEDING the troll already.
Invisible · 26-30, M
Still waiting on an example of someone who has eaten fewer calories than they've burned and gained weight (not water weight)
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@sighmeupforthat: ;)
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: Oh, you're one of those 'last word' types. I get it. Well, I've already said what I had to say and what is important.
Invisible · 26-30, M
What's wrong? Can't share your "research" with me?
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@Invisible: Lol! You're nothing but amusing now. YOU look it up.
Invisible · 26-30, M
Mathers and his team wanted to see how strongly the genetic variant affected weight by studying how the gene might hinder or help people’s ability to lose weight. Would having the obesity-related gene make it harder for people to shed pounds than people without the weight-gaining form of the gene?

Among a group of nearly 9,000 people who were enrolled in 11 studies in which they agreed to genetic analysis and were randomly assigned to a variety of weight loss methods, including diet, exercise or drug-based therapies, Mathers found the answer was a surprising no.
“We found no evidence at all that FTO genotype affected weight loss,” says Mathers.


In a typical pregnancy, the mother will gain 20-25 lbs. Afterwards, through having the baby and losing the excess water weight, the mother will lose about 15 lbs. That leaves just 5-10 lbs afterwards which is a pretty trivial amount of weight to lose. Pregnancy is simply not a valid reason for staying overweight after the fact.


I decided to look at antidepressants in particular because they are so varied and more or less representative of drugs as a whole. If there's something I've left out that is significantly different, let me know.
No one knows for sure why antidepressants do this. Some may trigger food cravings, particularly for carbohydrates. The drugs may also affect metabolism. It is also possible that when the antidepressants are effective, you become less depressed and regain your appetite (though this would only apply in cases where loss of appetite is a symptom of depression).
Let's break down these three theories.

In the case of food cravings, it would seem that the medication itself isn't preventing weight loss or causing weight gain, but rather that it allows for people with low self control to eat a lot more than they should. This is no excuse.

In the case of an affected metabolism, what would happen is that a person's body would try to conserve energy, making him or her feel lethargic and burn at most a few hundred calories fewer than normally. This is trivially solved by changing medications or by eating a few hundred calories less than one normally does. Still no excuse here.

The last case is of a rediscovered appetite. This is similar to the first in that weight gain resulting from this would be entirely in the control of the person taking the medication. Not being used to having a normal appetite is no excuse for eating everything in sight.


We I've in a world where we have easy access to food that is significantly more calorie dense than it was, say, a hundred years ago. But guess what? Nobody is forcing you to eat any particular food! Being irresponsible about what you put into your body is no excuse for being fat! Even if you decide to eat calorie dense foods, all you have to do is not eat them at a surplus and you won't gain weight. It's no more complicated than that.


Age also affects BMR. “This is why you sometimes see people in their late 20s surprised at gaining a few pounds when they don’t feel like they have changed any of their eating habits,” Mohning says.

This is because after the age of 25 — which is the age where we stop growing bone — the metabolic rate goes down by 2 percent or more per decade, she says. So, in order to stay at the same weight without a change to your level of activity, you would have to cut your daily calories by the same amount.
Again, this is the same pattern as medications causing a slower metabolism. The answer is simply to eat less. At a 2% drop per decade, you'll likely never have to eat less than 80% of what you did in your 20s, but if you still really want to, all you have to do is get some exercise. Age is a small factor here and is no excuse for failing to maintain a healthy body, just like everything else.

Even if you become unable to exercise because of health conditions, nothing is forcing you to eat more than your base metabolic rate -- and it's very reasonable to get all of the nutrients you need while eating as little as 1500 calories per day.

In summary, nothing is stopping anyone from achieving an attractive (or at least presentable) weight. If you think I'm wrong, prove it instead of calling what I say "BS" because of what I can only assume are your own insecurities. Grow up and quit making excuses.