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What do you think of the legal age if consent?

Too high? Not high enough? Perfect as is?
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Carver · 31-35, F
It's 18 in my country, and I think that works just fine. Most people still aren't very mature at that age, but it's a lot more reasonable than making them legally adults at 16, in my opinion.
1pebbles · 56-60, F
@Carver I agree!
I quite agree.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
It’s ok. 18 but as a 29 year old, honestly my range is -4+4
justanothername · 51-55, M
Its 16 where I live which is fine but that doesn't stop younger teens having sex. I think the age is based on whether they think teens are old enough to make a conscious decision regarding the implications of unprotected sex with another consenting adult. Ideally I think educated and sexually informed teens are better equiped to make informed decisions compared to uninformed and sexually uneducated teens of which there are a lot more. As to which age of consent is better...16 is about right but its meaningless when said 16 year old has an unplanned pregancy because they didnt know about protection or being on the pill.
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where? It's diffeeent everywhere.
@SW-User That's why I didn't specify. In wherever you live.
@PolyamorousPlaymates where I am, I think it makes sense. The age of consent is 16, but there is* a caveat...they can not be sexually involved with someone more than 3 years older legally.
@SW-User Makes some sense.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Where? I have no objections to 17, even 16. But only if they are both the same age.
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
Whats funny (or sad depending) is having sex is such a potentially big deal - there's pregnancy, disease, love...all kinds of things wrapped up in it...yet you have to be 21 to do so many other things (booze, smokes, vote, the draft,etc.). It's just interesting how much power a number has.....
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18 is about right but if two younger teens want to humpty dumpty I dont care
RedwoodBarman · 31-35, M
I believe at a certain age, 17 or 18, you should be examined and tested to determine if you're mature enough for sex. Too many idiots in their 30s don't seem to understand the importance of consequences to sex.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
I’ve definitely met some teens that carry themselves more mature than the amount of years they’ve been here would have you believe. But most of the time there’s still a lot of confusion going on with who they are, what they want & what having sex means to them, and to others. I’m not exactly sure if the age should be higher or not. I just think whenever I hear a person’s requirements for a partner & they state “legal age” it creeps me out. It sounds like “ if I could have them any younger without being arrested I would” that’s just weird.

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