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Your thoughts on the US buying the whole world supply of Covid-19 drug Redemsivir?

Then some Americans wonder why some people hate their country. It is a pandemic, for Heaven's sake, the whole world is suffering from it.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
So they can sell it back to their citizens at 1000% the original cost?
alyXyla · 22-25
@Amyrakunejo yeah the cops put themselves on the back burner for the riots because thats why people were mad about and you saw how that went, full anarchy baby. murder, stealing, and so much violence. if we were able to destroy citys and peoples like in just a few weeks oh god i dont even want to know what would happened if this became our new Reality. people need rules and punishment for their actions if not we all loose our mortality
@alyXyla Anarchy is NOT LOOTING AND RIOTING.
alyXyla · 22-25
Miram · 31-35, F
After all the shit US governments done to their people and to foreign countries there are still those who wonder why? 🤔
@Miram ...

goldenorchid · 46-50, F
It's probably fake news.
and as a president trumps priority is his country.
the real culprits are the country's that took the cash instead of helping their own country first.
not that the drug cures covid19.
goldenorchid · 46-50, F
@Miram I read about this morning, I didn't realise it's an American company, they've brought out a new inhaler version and none of the articles said which version was purchased, it might be that trump bought all the old drug and it's not a greed thing, just a way to encourage the company to produce enough of the new inhaler version.
I know, I'm looking for the good in this.
But lets not lose track of the fact that it's not a covid19 cure, it just helps breathing easier while you recover or not.
Miram · 31-35, F

The drug has positive results when it came to those who've had serious symptoms. It speed up the recovery time. Doesn't matter the version.

And regardless of that, there is no need to encourage a multi-billions company known of manipulating prices many times and taking advantage of patients and markets.

It is without a shred of doubts about financial gains.
goldenorchid · 46-50, F
@Miram it probably is all about the financial gains and nothing else.
My point was that because the inhaler version is more effective, it's possible that the old version was bought up just to make way for the new version, admittedly it sounds unlikely, but we can hope.
Miram · 31-35, F
A question, will patients pay for their treatment?

If that's the case, the government will be benefiting from such high prices. I am reading it'is Gilead sciences and they do have long history of manipulating production of effective treatments to promote old ones for the sake of financial gains.

It's dubious company.
Cierzo · M
@Miram Gilead is quite a shady company.
@Cierzo Gilead are thieves, and also were founded in part by the likes of Edward Bernays.
Cierzo · M
@Amyrakunejo The thought that comes to my mind is that Americans are cheated.
Gilead developed the drug with the help of taxpayer's money. The government is buying it using taxpayer's money. Those who will need it will have to pay for it...they will pay three times.
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plungesponge · 41-45, M
My guess is it's only a matter of time before the details of the manufacturing process are either given away on humanitarian grounds or leaked, and other countries start making their own versions.

It doesn't help the US much if they protect their population but the economies and functioning of the UK, EU and India get flattened by the virus, that'll just make Russia and China stronger. So there is a big incentive to spread the treatment out to the rest of the world.

Or some researcher takes it upon themselves to leak out the details, or some government puts a shadowy hacker group to retrieve the research, or bribes some low level janitor to walk out with some files
Cierzo · M
@plungesponge You are right. Your second paragraph is especially very right. The way the world is today, acting the way the US is doing is shooting yourself on your foot.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
The only caveat is if Trump doesn't get voted out, otherwise he'll probably tell US allies to pay through the nose for it. 😑
Cierzo · M
@plungesponge Then allies will look somewhere else...very likely China
It's just supposed to shorten recovery time.

So think of a new reason to hate us.
If they're going to use it then it's fine, it's on the manufacturers to make more.
If they're just going to sit on it then it's hoarding like the people who bought up all the bog roll and that's wrong.
Khenpal1 · M
@FairyGirlGemma I think its more like panic decision. The drug is experimental as antiviral. Most raw materials and most active pharmaceutical ingredients are made in Asia, either in China or India. Experts caution that remdesivir is not a quick cure. From the limited data that have been released, they say it appears to be a decent drug that sped improvement for some people, and one that, because it’s given intravenously over several days, will generally be reserved for people who have serious enough Covid-19 cases that they need hospital care. It’s not a simple pill that everyone with a mild coronavirus infection would be recommended to take.
Its PLANdemic
JBird · F
I thought Americans think Covid is a hoax. Why do they need supply at all?
Cierzo · M
@JBird Apparently not.
@JBird Bill Gates thinks and orders, Americans just follow his directions
JBird · F
@SW-User bill gates is the president and ordered those supply? 🤣🤣🤣
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Considering that Trump has called CV a hoax and and he has it all under control and it’s going away it does seem an odd thing to do
Cierzo · M
@Dlrannie Election this year, he may need donors?
Deesa123 · F
It probably doesnt work anyway theres no cure available yet
Cierzo · M
@Deesa123 There is a lot of concern about its efficency, yes.
Khenpal1 · M
well, it may be the drug has very little effect after all.
malizz · 70-79, M
If CHina can buy up billions of PPE kits at others' expense. why not the US with some drug, and beggar your neighbour.

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