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Fantasyproject · 26-30, F
It’s actually making me severely depressed but 🤷🏾‍♀️ what can I do
CandyKaela · 22-25, F
Message me if you need to talk darlin @Fantasyproject
Fantasyproject · 26-30, F
Thank you@CandyKaela

Nope, not me. I'm used to the solidarity. Much preferable over being cluttered with people.
g0thb4by · F
Mine was pretty bad anyway but its definitely got worse since all the lock downs 😔
Strictsinger · 61-69, M
I’m an introvert, for sure, but even I have struggled some with the lack of contact.
Now, especially for students, I think it’s even harder - the separation has caused many people to lose their social skills, and going back to school after almost two years is stressing people out!

You are NOT alone!
It has been a lengthy trial for sure. How are you doing?
CandyKaela · 22-25, F
@Unknownquantity suicidal
It doesn't help things and it makes depression worse
My mental health been gone and it was many reasons that contributed
its a scam i never ware a face dipper or social distancing crap
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Pretzel · 61-69, M
and no
not because of social distancing
It will change for the better.
Not yet luckily
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Not anymore than usual
Stay safe and strong 💪🏻

We will adapt, please don’t be hard on yourself over something none of us can control. Talk to your loved one’s about how you’re feeling or reach out as you have on social media and write you’re feelings down.

We’re all in this together remember.

Keep going 🤍
littlematthew123 · 22-25, M
my mom say Ann Frank liv in an attic an had to be quiet for 2 years an didnt have games or tv or order food or nothin so I guess this isnt that bad
HeteroDox · 36-40, F
I haven't seen my friends since February, and aside from shopping yesterday is the first tine I saw another human being not online.
ItsLuna · 22-25, T
Nah I'm fine, got the demons to talk to and Japanese ghost in my closet
TheSandman01 · 22-25, M
@ItsLuna Lucky you
It's going, as in I'm stabilising out, people are the cause of the issues it seems
Mine improves with it. lol
Not anymore than "normally."
Oh, no, I actually love it.
I've been reading that younger people in their teens have been suffering mental health issues as result of some of the stricter lockdowns
Zoranna · F
No, not at all. I'm quite happy with my own company but I do miss seeing my friends and family. We'll make up for it when this eventually passes.
Allelse · 36-40, M
No I've been doing better, then again I got fired from a job I HATED around when all this started, so that could be a good reason too.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
If I don't get out of this apartment soon, I'm going to murder a den of baby seals with a pick axe.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Mind left me ages ago. I get a post card every once in awhile.
Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
I’ve always been doing social distancing for years.
My mental health was shot long before corona virus
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TinyViolins · 31-35, M
That shipped sailed away years ago
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QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M

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