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Is the Coronavirus a conspiracy?

It’s not different from any other virus that mutates and evolves. Clearly it is a conspiracy designed to boost sales of food, sterilizing products and more to boost a stricken economy.
Keep believing that 👍
plungesponge · 41-45, M
it's really working, look how much the stock market is up
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@plungesponge food am healthcare sales have gone up
plungesponge · 41-45, M
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@plungesponge all planned
firefall · 61-69, M
Well given that it's actually crippling what was an adequate economy, I'd say your theory fails prima facie
TexChik · F
Nope more likely a political pandemic and a cash cow for the fake news media ... as long as they can promote panic and blame Trump on the process , their advertising revenue increases .
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@TexChik that’s the point, it’s a cash in
TexChik · F
@NestChicken that and to make a run on TP
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@TexChik thumbs up thumbs up
curiosi · 61-69, F
Impeachment failed so the liberal media is trying to destroy the economy.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@curiosi that’s dang right
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
I am wondering if it's some kind of human population control.
@SubstantialKick it's not
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@SubstantialKick @SW-User probably is, you didn’t know what the European government is really up to, cashing in
@NestChicken What is the "European government"? And well, I understand science and that's enough to know that it's not.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
Absolutely. And the Islamic murderers were sponsored by companies who sell bottled water in airports...

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