ChanceOfRain · 22-25
most of the media tends to sensationalize everything, including the virus, which can make it seem like a bigger deal than it is. But the virus isn't something to take lightly. While it may not be as bad as Ebola, it is still dangerous and we should be ALERT, but not ANXIOUS.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
How many ppl have died from the common flu in the same time frame? 🤔
good point really! @TheOneyouwerewarnedabout
TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I think the issue people are having is that now we have flu and Coronavirus going around at the same time causing more annoyance. Plus it turns into pneumonia which is pretty annoying to have as well; albeit not really any problem in the USA considering we can cure that no problem.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
to date, corona virus has killed about 3,000. If you take into consideration all age ranges/all those exposed to it and measure it against those killed by it, the mortality rate is only about 1%.
In roughly the same amount of time since corona was first reported, influenza has killed between 10,000 - 20,000 world wide...
In roughly the same amount of time since corona was first reported, influenza has killed between 10,000 - 20,000 world wide...
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
The media is spending more time reporting about the virus itself than about the precautionary measures which are being taken right now.
Sensationalism sells and attracts more viewers/sponsors....the precautionary measures being taken aren’t as sensational as the possibility that this might become a bad situation.
Sensationalism sells and attracts more viewers/sponsors....the precautionary measures being taken aren’t as sensational as the possibility that this might become a bad situation.

@DragonFruit because if they started showing FEMA camps on the news every 5 mins being set up...some people would start question whetger the " conspiracy" is still a conspiracy.
fairgame123 · 61-69, C
The H1N1 had killed 1000 people and over 2000 were sick in the US before Obama or Biden did anything.
It is estimated that 11-21% of the global population contracted the illness, and 151,000-579,000 died. Unlike most strains of influenza, H1N1 does not disproportionately infect adults older than 60 years; this was an unusual and characteristic feature of the H1N1 pandemic.
It is estimated that 11-21% of the global population contracted the illness, and 151,000-579,000 died. Unlike most strains of influenza, H1N1 does not disproportionately infect adults older than 60 years; this was an unusual and characteristic feature of the H1N1 pandemic.
revenant · F
The media want to make you fear. Why and fear is bad for the immune system anyway

Fearmongering to sell new vaccine
TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
@SW-User I love to get new vaccines for anything personally.

@TeirdalinFirefall great. I think everyone has the right to get it just as the right NOT TO.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
A new disease that can kill people needs to be contained and as far as I can tell the US has done absolutely nothing and is instead doing its best to muzzle experts and pretend everything is fine.
This isn't the end of the world, but it can be a serious illness and kill someone who isn't already healthy. That warrants some kind of response.
This isn't the end of the world, but it can be a serious illness and kill someone who isn't already healthy. That warrants some kind of response.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Hyped, it's what they do.

Take precautionary measures.
Noreaster · F
back in March, yes!
curiosi · 61-69, F
Where was the hype when they were PURPOSELY bringing Ebola all around the world???
We need to stop all transport with europe, immediately
We need to second source our products in North America
We need to provide nationwide free medical testing
We need to get the production of the vaccine so high, that we can innocuate Iran, Korea, China and Europe before winter sets in.
We need to second source our products in North America
We need to provide nationwide free medical testing
We need to get the production of the vaccine so high, that we can innocuate Iran, Korea, China and Europe before winter sets in.
BobbieT · M
Way over hyped! I don’t remember people panicking over over The Sars virus in the early 2000’s, Or West Nile or the Flu.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Well, it's not being as hyped as much as the impeached Baby-trump did for "the caravan."
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
Lightning Strikes kill about 6,000 per year; Drowning kills about 320,000 per year, etc.
quick! better go stock up on toilet paper in case it storms or you slip in the bath tub... 🤣
quick! better go stock up on toilet paper in case it storms or you slip in the bath tub... 🤣
nedkelly · 61-69, M
What a load of shit by the MEDIA, 14,000 people died from flu last year
I bet the Media did not mention this?
I bet the Media did not mention this?