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I am getting older

I went for an eye test this week. For the first time in my life I am now the owner of glasses.
I’m betting you made it a lot longer than a lot of people.
@OlderSometimesWiser I didnt too bad in that regard.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Welcome to aging.
@Crazywaterspring Thank you 🙏
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
Would you ever get lasik
@deadgerbil Yeah I would I think
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Ozymandiaz 😞comes too us all failing eye sight i have wore glasses first for reading the permantly since i was ten
SeaGlass · F
Oh? I bet you look fandamntastic 🤓
@SeaGlass It could have been a lot worse lol

I will show you
SeaGlass · F
@Ozymandiaz Looking forward...
I just got mine .

It happens.

And your lucky to have made it this long without them.

One of the girls, (i should say women), in the store said ...."youve actully got good vision for your age".

Apparently vision impairment has 'degrees' . And it roughly goes up to + or - '8'.
(They did have a rare case of '14' but that person was legally blind).

If you know your script, you can compare yourself to that scale. Most post midlife people are usually '3' or under.
If these are your first pair then youre likely a '1' or under - amd thats brilliant.
@OogieBoogie 0.75 i think. I only
need them when I am using a computer, driving or my eyes get tired.
@Ozymandiaz then you have really good eyesight for your age !💪
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Sorry you have glasses now but I know they look great on you.

I have had them since I was 13 years old.

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