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I’m getting too old to figure out what these gen x kids are saying these days ..

I used to be “with it”. now they changed “what it” was..now what I’m with, isn’t it . And whats it seems weird and scary to me.. and it will happen to you! 👀..wise words from Grandpa Simpson
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M Best Comment

I try to "fit in" with a relative to try and "be cool", so I do know a few things. I've heard them say oof before, and that's like relating to an incident that happened. Like if you said, oh hey I wrecked my car, their first goto would be to say, OOF!. I think oof, comes from or has something to do with Roblox from what I've read online.

Ye, is yes. I've heard the relative say, SAME! Relating to a friend who was in a funny or weird situation as the relative, and was telling them the story. I'm sure there's other new sayings out there that I don't know about, but these are things I've witnessed.

Ohhh yeaahhh and "yeet" is another saying. I guess that's when you violently throw something? Don't know where all these sayings come from but geez. I guess sayings we used to use weren't good enough, or is considered outdated? I don't know anymore.
empanadas · 31-35, M
Rizz means game now.....people be like "you rizzed her up". bruh it sounds like people just randomly jizzing on each other
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M

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