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Apparently my dad’s surgery complications were hella rare

Some years ago, maybe a decade ago give or take, my dad had surgery for a hiatal hernia. After they closed him up, they had a big uh-oh moment. They left a piece of surgical tape inside him. So they opened him back up to get it out. Not fun for my dad. But here’s the real kicker: after they closed him up the second time, they saw something on the X-ray that they had missed before because it was just out of frame by literal millimeters the first time they looked; they had also left a curved surgical needle in him.

Welp they deemed removing the needle not worth the risk, and 10 years later it’s still just kinda floating around in his abdomen. He gets it checked periodically to make sure it hasn’t migrated.

My mom was definitely pissed. She convinced my dad to sue for malpractice, but in the beginning my dad didn’t want to sue. He said that despite everything that occurred it was a “relatively successful surgery.” He did end up suing, but what he really wanted was some statute of limitations removed where if it causes him grief down the line he can have any necessary surgeries covered, but some lawyer told him it doesn’t really work like that, that all he could reasonably get was monetary compensation before the statute ran out.

But yeah, apparently items being left behind in someone’s body from a surgery is quite rare, and to have 2 items left behind from the same surgery is a downright anomaly. The rate of 1 retained surgical item (RSI) being left behind is about 1 in every 5,500 to 7,000 surgeries. The odds of 2 RSIs, well there’s no specific stats on that but if you were to assume the chance of leaving a second item was the same as leaving the first, the rate would be one in every 39 million surgeries. Of course if one was already left behind that may mean that conditions that would lead to RSI would increase the likelihood, so it’s probably more than 1/39MIL, but hell even 1 in one million is still… well, one in a million.
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BlueVeins · 22-25
That's absolutely insane. I've heard about surgeons being overworked, mentally ill alcoholics, and yeah, maybe one of them was goin' downhill fast. I hope the needle doesn't hurt him.

So is he just not suing now? I like to think that if this happened to me with just one item, I'd try to be forgiving and stuff, but 2 consecutive surgeries going wrong like that seems so disgustingly negligent.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@BlueVeins oh he sued for malpractice years ago. My mom convinced him. Plus he consulted with a lawyer who said that removing the statute of limitations, all my dad really wanted, was not legally possible,
My mother in law was a medical researcher, and worked on a case where the surgeon left some equipment inside the patient. Those are slam-dunk malpractice awards once the jury sees the outline on the x-ray.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@LeopoldBloom I’m pretty sure the hospital settled in my dad’s case. No jury required
@Zeuro Ha! I'll bet they did.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
In Singapore 600,000 surgeries happen every year. That works out to 85 people per year.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
My ex's mother still had a drill bit in her shoulder from a surgery they did after she tore her rotator cuff. It had been there for two years and she was fighting with worker's comp to get it removed.
eastcoastcycler · 61-69, M
That’s horrifying. I can’t imagine what that would be like but I would sue. Everything is supposed to counted and checked after surgery.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Wow! The odds of even 1/7000 is crazy. That's a lot of people walking around with forgotten stuff inside them!😬
Any proofs? If yes, show
tenente · 100+, M
i've seen way too many Grey's Anatomy episodes to ever go the hospital again 😱

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