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Hospital tips for a very obese patient plus mistakes we made

I will set the scene
My wife is a very large lady well over 600lbs during Christmas and after her health declined rapidly. She put on a huge amount of weight in a short space of time 20 kilos in 10 days and her skin had swollen hard area that weren’t there before.
We’re currently residing in the uk.The doctor on a zoom call as she couldn’t get out of bed easily put this down to overeating at Christmas. Six weeks later with steady weight gain her breathing problems getting worse but after a district nurse come out to take bloods he saw her state contacted the doctor and a bariatric ambulance was called and we were off,
Our mistakes so far, taking the doctors explanation and not getting them to come and see her as the receptionist had said they don’t do home visits often.

Things we got right these things you need if you have a larger partner or relative
We had a recent accurate weight( she’s weighed once a week) titis is very important for medical doses etc and the hospital scale only went up to
287 lbs. She was 740 pounds or 52 stone

We had a planned route out of the property which worked heavy use of towels for support.

We had a large capacity wheelchair .

We had an emergency bag, meds lotions good toilet paper antiseptic wipes long t shirt style night wear etc

That part went reasonably smoothly and the paramedic team were fantastic
I will continue you the next part in the hospital later
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Willomk1 · 46-50, M
Then as we go up to the ward an absolute angel told me about the carer scheme which allows a carer onto the ward at any time. That was a total breakthrough.
SO she’s Wheeled onto the ward you can see the look on some of the nurses faces and I do understand a patient like that does require more work but this is where the carer pass came in.
Make yourself useful so with the pass I could come in early each morning and get her ready for the day washed, toileted apply creams etc without disturbing the nurses.You will know your partner and how to move the with more ease and used of large towels. I did the same in the evening getting her ready for bed.This and my wife’s ability to talk and listen to anyone endeared
Us to the staff and she was seen by most as a lovely fat lady not fat useless lump.
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
Part 2 A and E now this was probably the worse part of the hole stay
We were in a overspill area so fewer people and less stares and comments but we were there 12 hours she had been transferred to a bariatric stretcher but it was so uncomfortable and she had had an accident.There was no way to get her to a toilet and no way of cleaning her up without being seen.
After being seen by a doctor he though it was a pulmonary embolism so we were cleared to a ward
Unfortunately the last embarrassment was the stretcher had to go through a and e people had to be moved to get there through you can images the look comments and camera phones

Mistake was not to kick up a fuss and get her moved some more private. Not a tantrum but a logically argued case mentioning mental health
Everyone was so busy so we waited.
BlightyBoy · 26-30, M
@Willomk1 When you say currently residing in the uk, are you (or your wife) British? Or just here for an extended period of time? (Guessing you weren't just on holiday.) Not a trap question, just curious. Love the NHS, but it's not at it's best right now due to govt underfunding.
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
In the uk British @BlightyBoy
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
Doctors and diagnosis
Let’s just say consultants are the best,diagnosis fluid overload caused by heart failure fist think to use iv diuretics to remove water
She lost 100 pounds in seven days.
Offered bariatric surgery, refused
Then telling of from diabetic consultant too many sweet treats etc
Now they wanted to move her to different hospitals and wards a nightmare if your that size. If your happy where you are say no
Let out your worries and fears have a good cry.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I wonder how you'll feel about your enabling once she succumbs to all that is medically wrong, being overweight has caused?
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
At the moment we are both just happy to be home and enabling her allows her to have a life without it her life would be truly miserable@WaryWitchWandering
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
Plus she’s enjoying her food freedom again@WaryWitchWandering
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
Once they got to know my wife and that I was helping out most were fantastic and very helpful
One exception was jolly hockey stickers who in the middle expected a 52 stone woman to get herself out of bed to the camode with encouragement like your just not trying that’s why your in this state
Also one nurse who because of cultural differences didn’t think I should be helping with my wife in the way I was.
But in general fantastic my wife and one of them in tears when we left

Mistake not to get a catheter fitted day one and stressed how limited my wife’s mobility was.
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
So conclude she’s now home and happy more tests ahead and more tablets than Moses.
Overall it wasn’t as bad as we though so if you need to go go don’t hesitate we nearly did and as her breathlessness was water filling the lungs I’m glad we did
Also watch for obesity masking problem
Any other hints or tips put them on here
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
Food if your a big person your not going to get enough.
However food can easily be brought it but don’t make it obvious
If it’s fast food bring it in sealed plastic containers in a hold all
Mistake don’t leave the chocolates out when the diabetic team visit
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's health decline. I hope that she will get better soon.
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
If you have any other tips for a big patient please put them here
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
It does have a happier ending
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Sounds like she needs to join My 600-Lb. Life
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
She doesn’t feel weight loss-surgery is right for her at this time @smileylovesgaming
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@Willomk1 if her health is declining rapidly I would say she needs to lose weight
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
She just lost 100lbs of water weight she’s feeling much better also she’s now on numerous medications to help for the moment she’s just enjoying her freedom but thank you for your concern@smileylovesgaming

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