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I would observe the reasons that influenced you in the first place. You can break up your routine by working on four different areas of your body every day. Find a gym partner or take your dog for a walk.
Reflective · 36-40, M
Start practicing yoga. Do a little everyday and build up the time you can stand it. Start with 15, then move to 30, then 60. In a few months you will be a completely new person making healthy choices. Yoga doesn’t allow you to make bad choices because it forces you to look within yourself. Add some meditation for additional support.
You didn’t get to the weight you are at overnight, it will take time to reverse it. Don’t do things because you think they will help. Instead find exercise you enjoy and do those and all of a sudden 6 months will go by and you’ll look down and realize that you look damn sexy.
Also watch this documentary
And listen to this Podcast
And this audiobook
You didn’t get to the weight you are at overnight, it will take time to reverse it. Don’t do things because you think they will help. Instead find exercise you enjoy and do those and all of a sudden 6 months will go by and you’ll look down and realize that you look damn sexy.
Also watch this documentary
And listen to this Podcast
And this audiobook
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
My advice is to run or bike outside instead. Way more interesting.