Lostpoet · M
third gen kindle was my favorite thing in the world for a long time what kind is yours?
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@Lostpoet Yeah, i don't mind the pricey ones though, last couple were 60 each!!! Now it depends on what a thing is --- collected works of Jung which i plan on getting is 500, but a Stephen King novel over 20 is ridiculous!
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User Kindle unlimited my be worth it to you but the selections aren't the best. I know my local library also always me to borrow ebooks from amazon.
@Lostpoet I've got the KU on a 3 month trial, but won't renew it, not enough to make it worth it. There's no shortage to read at all, buying for me is addictive, i wish i was rich and could get something everyday!! 😭