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Crazy as it sounds, here i am

I'm sitting here watching the ID channel called web of lies. As crazy as it sounds it was speaking of a group where people talk and connect called experience profiles or something. Any less, I Google it to find out it has been shut down and people comment about this website so here I am.
Ps. On this show a women meets up with some guy who kills her and does things to her dead body. Be safe 🖤😘
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JustGoneNow Best Comment
The nurse will be by shortly with your meds.

Cocokitty · 31-35, F
@JustGoneNow omg I love this 🖤🖤🖤
@Cocokitty We really need to hang it up above the front door. 😌

That’s similar to why Experience Project was taken down
Unless that’s what you’re talking about
@LucyFuhr omg! Really?
I wasn’t aware of those
I left there about a year and a half before it shut down
@LucyFuhr What about this page? 😶
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
@SW-User Yea...I went down a rabbit hole shortly after it closed down. I wasn't kidding about the deep dark web...you could find pretty much anything you wanted on EP.
Eclipsed · M
They'll never catch me.. I'm too clever.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3463426/ this one?

I'm not going to lie to play in this playground as a woman is fraught with dangers, be aware.

There are predators out there.

However there are also people like me, who are struggling to express more of ourselves and show more of our real self than we tend to get the opportunity to do in person.

The internet brought with it the opportunity to bullshit people that you were a celebrity to see who was dubm enough to take the bait but it also brought with it opportunities for honesty that don't exist elsewhere.

I have been more forthcoming with people online than I EVER recall being in person.

it's also been a Predators playground- they are shark infested waters but you can still have a great time.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@Cocokitty yep, and if not for one risk that same careless ignorance would lead them right into another
Cocokitty · 31-35, F
@PDXNative1986 oh I understand. Most likely someone with one charge is not going to come off as dangerous but then again I also understand some people with 0 history can also be just as crazy as someone with multiple chargers. I just do it so I can't be like some of these dumb ass women when new husband they met online begins raping their children and then kills them and their on TV acting all shock and surprise when it comes up with he had sexual assault chargers in the past but she never knew 😒 I'm just saying some things are preventable. Not always and things do unfortunately happen. But I rather it be a completely surprise and shock to everyone and not a situation where obvious information about someone that most likely points them to being a pedo, a rapist and or murdered is literally at the finger tips but I was too ignorant by dick to even look it up or question the type of person someone is. Lol.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@Cocokitty just know that the guys who are that way will over the long run rack up dozens of charges whereas my history is just a dropped one that I freely admit I was responsible for was immensely out of character... pushed to the brink we're all capable of things that we'd find shocking.
I saw that as well, yet here we are 😅
Lmao but I miss Experience Project
Sounds horrific. But I know some people like that kind of thing.
Montanaman · M
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Morbid, but true.
This place has some really nice people at the same time it also has attracted some or the same crazy, filthy and criminal minds. So be safe.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Any idea which episode it was?
Cocokitty · 31-35, F
@ViciDraco yes I just finished it.
If you have cable and have the ID channel it's called web of lies episode 3 season 6 called the devils pact.
I have a firestick so I downloaded id channel on it and watching the seasons right now lol
496sbc · 36-40, M
see that is why no one will meet up here to many sick bastards doing stupid shit to women
candycane · 36-40, F
That was experience projects but im sure ever media site has this same story just not been put out in the news
Cocokitty · 31-35, F
@candycane oh yeah most definitely. The first episode I watched was about a dumb mother who took her kids with her to go meet a guy she been talking to off meetme and had her kids kidnapped 😒
Lord the whole time I just wanted to smack her. Like risk your own life life get dick but your kids, come on now.
But funny story is I get on meetme time to time to do the live stream. I also did meet my boyfriend on there who now lives with me 🤣🤣🤣
But the whole reason that attracted me to the website was to find common like people or to explore and learn something new as well.

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