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hair loss is now a disability

according to feminists and so on twitter. Hair loss is now a disability.
Jada Smith is disabled and you should not make jokes about it and if you do, you deserve to be assaulted..

So with that info out in the world. I am applying for disability and those who have mentioned my perfectly shaped masculine bald head in the past is going to get a good slap.
What a time to be alive 🤣
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Okay... even I can see that, hair loss, by itself is not a disability - but, where the ice can get really thin is over the cause of the hair loss.

Hair loss can be age related, a symptom of an illness like alopecia, a symptom of progeria or a result of medical treatment like chemotherapy. For some of these people, "hair loss" does need to be seen as a symptom of a disability.

Some of these people won't live to see their legal age of majority... others may find it impossible to work while getting treatment for their cancer. While some people can work through chemotherapy, it makes other people feel really ill in the way that it upsets their stomach and makes them feel cold all the time.

I also feel that the "stand up" era of comedy is well and truly over by now, too. For the most part, we understand that it's inappropriate to be poking fun at people who are black or have very noticeable disabilities... so, maybe we shouldn't be poking fun at anyone based on their appearance. The guy obviously didn't know that Jada had alopecia - and there may have been more than a slap given if she had cancer or something that tends to have a bad prognosis.
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@Torsten Read what I said again... I said that hair loss is not a disability by itself, however, it can be a symptom of an illness that is a disability.

If you have cancer, and you're constantly exhausted, throwing up and feeling cold 24/7 I'm sure that your first thought wouldn't be "Well, I gotta get to work now".

Equally, I can understand in this case why alopecia has been lumped in as a "disability" - despite the fact that it clearly isn't a disability. The world is starting accept that racism is wrong and that bullying the disabled is wrong... but, women with alopecia have no reference point for the fact that cracking jokes about their bald head is also wrong.

Jayda is only the second A list celebrity that I know who has actually walked the alopecia walk openly - the other being Gail Porter. She needs support in making her voice heard "It's wrong to 'joke' about other people's appearance".

It's also wrong for her husband to be going over and slapping people, too... but I doubt that would have happened if Jayda hadn't felt bullied by the "joke".
Torsten · 36-40, M
@HootyTheNightOwl you dont lose hair from cancer by the way. That comes from chemo.

Alopecia is not a disability. Men go through male pattern baldness all the time and people crack jokes about it and we dont consider it a disability. Sure Alopecia sucks buts its just hair loss.

fuck what Jada felt to be honest. It was a tame joke. Big deal. If her ego is that fragile, what the hell was she even doing there in the first place? They know they get roasted a tad by comedians there,it is part of the event.
Its just celebrities thinking they are untouchable
Bri89 · 31-35, M
Your first mistake was logging onto Twitter. Log off and return to sanity.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Bri89 nah I spoil myself sometimes and enjoy reading the most idiotic things one could read and twitter is the gold mine of stupidity
Disabling in its link to serious depression; damage to self worth, and sense of self.
Accompanied by the fact you're ravaged by a serious health condition, essentially turning the body against itself.

It can be devastating, deeply emotional for either gender. But especially women. That's why conditions such as Alopecia must be handled with the utmost sensitivity, as you'd address any other ailment.

For many, it is tied to their sense of identity as a gender.
Not to mention a medium through which you once expressed yourself, and your individual style.
It is a basic sense of pride and beauty we all are entitled too.

Not unlike those who've made the heartrending decision for full mastectomy in breast cancer cases. And the self image issues that can accompany them.


Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Not a disability but it would definitely change your life if you were a woman. Tbh if you were a guy and you lost your eyebrows it would effect your life to a large degree also.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Ryannnnnn and hair loss doesnt change your life or at least confidence and what not if you are a man? Lots of men are very self conscious about going bald and we dont get none of this nonsense people are now giving to Jada Smith, instead we get made fun of and we deal with it and we certainly dont claim to be disabled.
meJess · F
Chris Rock used to be funny, or maybe the person who wrote his stuff has retired.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@meJess he was never funny and neither was Will Smith
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@meJess It's too hard to be a stand up comedian in this day and age, people are too quick to take offense and there is a long laundry list of things you cannot joke about so their art has suffered accordingly.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
I'm disabled!

I'm going down to my local Social Security office to get some of those sweet sweet disability payments!
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SumKindaMunster im right there in line with you mate. Bring on those payments
Lmao. Made me laugh.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SW-User haha glad it did. That is why i wrote this after all
@Torsten Can i claim pale and sickly looking ? :) Im going down slapping.
( i don't slap i punch but hey)
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SW-User I will allow it haha
Hair loss is not a disability...and as my bald patch gets steadily bigger I will never consider it to be.
But I can see why it may be a problem for a woman.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales a problem, sure but not a disability in any shape or form
GrayJessie · 36-40, M
Well if hair has anything to do with how the brain works, something like this may be true, but, I wouldn't call it disability either.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@GrayJessie Hair does not effect your brain what so ever im sure
Isthisit · F
How silly is that!
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Isthisit very much so

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