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Is cannibalism morally wrong?

Not talking about murdering someone and eating them necessarily.
There are for instance examples of two consenting adults who agree to eat and be eaten respectively.
So is cannibalism itself morally wrong?
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UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
Legally speaking, that's still murder. So yeah, it'd be considered morally wrong. But ignoring the whole "consenting adults" thing(why even put that in? We don't ask for consent from animals before butchering, that's not the moral issue) and just imagining that either someone has died and you're starving or the human meat magically appears in your kitchen, I don't think there's innately anything morally wrong with eating human meat.
@UndeadPrivateer Your discussion (which we've had before) prompted a question I've been wanting to ask.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard Oh? What's that?
@UndeadPrivateer I posted it.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
No. Metaphorically if the person gave the other permission then it's permission. I read about the case I think you are talking about. He only got 8.5 years (later received life) because in Germany cannibalism isn't entirely illegal.. the lawyers said it was a mercy killing because the guy wanted to willingly die. He was suffering from abandonment issues and depression but also always had a fantasy of being eaten. It isn't like he just found anyone on the street.. they talked for months.

While most wouldn't choose this way to end their life.. I think it goes along the same question of is "assisted suicide" morally wrong I mean in the context of these cases. Which I find no it isn't but rather the opposite.. empathetic.

Humans are hard wired (all humans) to have selective empathy. This presents a paradox as far as human rights is concerned. I also think this explains why we can have selective outrage as well.
imareallyfatman · 36-40, M
Morals apart there's another good reason to not eat human flesh: kuru.

It's a deadly disease, no joke.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@imareallyfatman Pretty much read my way through medical school, more like. My mother is terrible at studying so she needed me to walk her through everything and do flash cards with her and stuff. I think I learned more than she did, hahaha.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@imareallyfatman Humans can get prion diseases from eating meat.. not just humans.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@imareallyfatman As well as a crap load of parasites... pardon the pun.
PrettyGurl24 · 31-35, F
Yes that is an evil act. Who in their right mind would consent to something horrific like that?
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well that only holds any weight if you believe in the judeo-christian god. Which many people don't.
That god also considers mixing fabric, and eating shrimp to be morally wrong.

So how does that apply to the people who don;t believe/never heard of your god?
PrettyGurl24 · 31-35, F
@MetalGreymon That's fine if you don't believe. That's your choice. But the God I believe in is the Creator of you, me, the Heavens, & this earth & the people in it.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well yes, but since i don't share your mythology "god says so" isn't a compelling argument.

Saying your god did it to me is exactly as convincing as me telling you that in fact Mbombo the creator god of the Kuba is the creator of you, me, the heavens and the earth.

You choose to believe in your god. I don't choose not to in the same way don't choose to believe the sky is blue.
Gilhooly · 61-69, F
well I think eating animals is morally wrong, and two consenting adults eating each other is morally impossible for a start and totally gross
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Can you be more specific?
I'm getting that you have a strong knee-jerk reaction and you're quite sure of your position, but are you able to articulate why you believe yourself to be right?
Gilhooly · 61-69, F
@MetalGreymon I honesty specifically think it is ony morally wrong if you have morals, if you dont away... I feel it is morally wrong, it is against my ethical moral compass and people who consent to being eaten could be mentally unwell or misunderstood, used and exploited - I would seekpeoples health and wellbeing not a sinister desire to eat their flesh
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

it is only morally wrong if you have moral

Well, that's a little ethnocentric lol.
What about cultures where ritual cannibalism is part of the funeral process? Is that morally wrong?
The last thing I want to think about when sitting next to a complete stranger and look at me as I am some dish. ugh! I am glad its morally wrong where I lived. I hear some parts of the world in indigenous tribes its common. I sure want to avoid venturing travel out
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Hey now. Let's not take this personally. I don't have a problem with your opinion, i'm just asking you to back it up.

Do you really need me to start a new thread to ask that in light of your assertion that cannibalism is morally wrong that you explain why this is so?

Is that really necessary? I CAN if it's really important to you.
Or you could just answer the question here, lol

If you don't want to go to the trouble of supporting your position then simply say so. I'm looking for discussion, not an argument.
@MetalGreymon I'm not here for a discussion nor argument. I answered your question and that's that. Thank you, very insightful.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

So you don't want me to start a new question about why you think cannibalism is wrong?
Peaches · F
I think it depends on the situation like those settlers that took off in the wilderness and got lost.😞One by one people died, so the others that were starving at the time ate their bodies, it was the only way they could survive. If you are killing people to eat them I think it's morally wrong, there are a few serial killers that did that.😱I forget their names now.
Actually, If a person is dead and they've agreed to be eaten, I see nothing wrong with it. Of course there would have to be legal forms and discretionary laws.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Yeah i don't see anything especially wrong with it
revenant · F
There was this German guy who advertised for a guy to be eaten.......well if 2 crazies want to do that to each other with mutual consent..up to them no ?
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well i must point out that, that is a slippery slope fallacy.
It's just conjecture without foundation, mostly based on the fact that we find cannibalism distasteful. There's no good reason to suppose that he would move on to murder.

You and i enjoy some bacon but we're probably not going to start sneaking onto farms to steal and butcher pigs, right?
revenant · F
@MetalGreymon hmmmm...the guy was obviously crazy ! I heard that people actually get addicted to human flesh which is supposed to be very tasty but I have no intention of trying ........there was that guy in the Philippines I think who admitted to eating people and tried to stop himself. He was stealing from graves, not actually killing people.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Creepy lol. But i don't know that he was crazy. Crazy means irrational. All we know is that he wanted to do something most people don't want to do.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
Let's make it legal if it already isn't, PLEASE, then maybe I could meet the real life Hannibal and be with him forever ❤"Some of our stars are the same"
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Hey i you want to get eaten by a guy then i don't see anything morally wrong with that choice
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
I'd want a taste too!
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well i'm sure you could swing that if you meet the right person on the internet
haha. This question is brilliant.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

I do like to eat some but not literally
Blyss17 · 31-35, F
I mean I think we can all agree it's pretty fucked up my friend
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MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

I probs won't. But thanks anyway🙂
If it is consensual (and I'm not sure what is meant, is the person to be eaten having a non-essential part cut off for someone to consume, or making posthumous arrangements?) while repugnant, who else would know ?
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well for example in some cultures it is or was normal and proper to consume the flesh of a dead person as part of the funeral rite. That was culturally normal.
So if we move beyond our ethnocentric view, if we can look past what we believe on the basis that we were brought up to believe it, we can truly start answering the question of whether or not cannibalism is actually morally wrong
@MetalGreymon I knew what you were saying. I was making the point that since it is not my cultural norm, I don't really have to get involved.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well you don't HAVE to do anything lol
Chickie · F
I can't fathom why this is even a question.

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