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This is bad for me.

What's worse than the smoking and drinking by far is that I retreat to places like this to avoid reality. (Not blaming the website) it's completely my choice.

Part of becoming an adult is responsibility.. In fact that is exactly what separates a kid from an adult responsibility.

It's a shitty existence spending 23 hours a day on average in the house on the Internet and barely sleeping.. Shameful is what it is especially at the age of 20.

I should be doing something.. Moving toward my ambitions, working, making friends, getting laid. This shits pathetic. I got myself in such a rut that even basic every tasks make me anxious and I just come here as a comfort blanket.

These moments of realisation are useless.
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They aren't useless at all. They mean more than you think, and at least you HAVE those moments of realization or self actualization, so many never have them, and think there's nothing wrong at all. Because it's just so easy to merely "exist",rather than to LIVE. You want to live, and you think you should. And at some point perhaps you will start doing exactly that when you're absolutely ready. You're conscious, and that MEANS something.
The first step to solving a problem is admitting that we have one. And writing about it also.
"The more I learn about others the better I understand myself." I don't remember the Author but the words I do recall, and have, many times.
iQuit · F
Time management and small goals help move on from being stuck in ruts - cheers to hoping you better soon 🍷😌 (ps. it's grape juice in the cup)
This is serious dude! You need to consult a doc...please read this to know your symptoms better - -
I remember feeling like that a few years ago. Only I had EP instead of SW as my crutch and comfort. I was anxious and depressed literally 24/7. I was so deep into it that I didn't even fully realize how horrible I felt a lot of the time, if that makes sense. Only now that I've climbed out of that pit do I see how truly and purely miserable and crippled by anxiety and depression I was. Brushing my teeth took a massive mental effort for fuck sake.

It just takes one step to begin. Absolutely every step with the thought of moving forward counts. Even when you feel like you are going one step forward and 18 steps back. You don't have to be perfect to be able to get better. Messing up won't take away from your progress. It won't "undo" your previous actions or somehow make it so they don't "count".
Hang in there. Good luck.

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