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If you depend for the government for food, should you be banned from buying cigarettes and beer?

Tminus6453 · M
You cant buy beer or cigs with food stamps
@Tminus6453: it matter to me if a portion of my earnings are taken every week to pay into this system. Do you anve any idea how frustrating/disgusting it is to be behind someone in the store who uses their food stamps on expensive cuts of meat and seafood mountains of junk food and soda while I'm working 60-70+ hours a week and can't afford to blow $300 on that shut because I have other responsibilities and Bill's to pay.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@buddyhally: shadow govt.
Tminus6453 · M
@Sibo191: But they are only alotted a certain amount every month, if they spend it all on one trip to the grocery store they are shit out of luck for the rest of the month
firefall · 61-69, M
No, you monstrous turd
@firefall: Ouch.
If you've contributed to the coffers through your taxes then you've every right to spend your money on some small pleasures, so long as you feed the kids and pay the bills first.
@LukeOnTheBrightSide: I don't care what you think, you are a sheep. There's no use trying to reason with you.
@kingfish2: oh, run out of argument. Or does the name calling come in even when you have some argument left?
@LukeOnTheBrightSide: I'm sorry if there is some confusion here, but let me clarify. I can understand people needing help, I'm familiar with that, and I support helping people who have contributed to society. There are many who live on the tit of the government from womb to tomb. Anyone who has to rely on others to feed themselves should have the dignity to not spend their money on frivolous things.
wetncthru · F
Why on earth should I rely on any government for food?
wetncthru · F
@kingfish2: Of the millions who do rely on food donations, I suspect most are in countries where their governments have failed to provide for their needy citizens .... either by mismanagement and or corruption.
@wetncthru: Yeah, it's the government's fault.
wetncthru · F
@kingfish2: But ..... who voted for the government?
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
Yes. But people have their priorities
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
I supplement cigarettes and beer as food though
SallyK · 46-50, F
Yes! Feed your kids and yourself 1st
Yes. And luxury good items as Well. Of your getting govt assistance for food that money is coming from taxes paid by people who earned it.
@SatyrService: should not be covered either. Should just be for necessities.
@Sibo191: but a worker made redundant or unable to work through injury or ill health was a taxpayer who contributed to the system.
@Sibo191: @StevetheSleeve. that is the tricky point, one could make the case that many things are not necessary Coffee? Sugar? Seafood? steak? all those pre packaged lunchables that cost like 20 times the same thing costs at home?
No I am not being snoty,, I think this is a very interesting question.
while we are at it,, how about corporate welfare?
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Do you propose attaching behavior monitors to the poor?
wetncthru · F
@StevetheSleeve: Of course not.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@wetncthru: Then how do you go about enforcing this?
wetncthru · F
@StevetheSleeve: Ruthlessly hammer the rich + the corporates for seriously more taxes, cut out many middlemen/persons (admin) and give all a living wage.
kutee · T
nah all been on the dole at one time in our lifes, and fags can be your only pleasure
naw,, give them MORE cigs and booze! get em out of the gene pool!
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
health care cost debt issues and other liabilities.

long story.
Pineapple · 100+, F
Yes. It's not a need or necessity, it's a luxury.
and gambling
wetncthru · F
@pete11: Rely on the government for gambling too? I suppose we all do that ... Will they/wont they use our taxes wisely?
Taliesin33 · 46-50, M
As if there is any doubt about that these days...
Ynotisay · M
Like the way it is now?

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