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I don't think kids should just give their parents respect. I think the parents should have to earn it

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As a parent I would say this. They don't deserve it automatically, they *earn* it from the care they give you in your early years *but then they have to keep it*. I do think that parental respect can be *lost*. But how did they earn it in the early years... Like this, see if you're convinced: If they carried you in the womb and took care of you as a baby - which is supremely tiring (sleepless), difficult (milk bottles, food), rigorous (all the times of day have to be respected and you cannot just 'forget' or 'do it later') and its often unpleasant (diapers). All this has been done to give an maintain your life. If they do this all for you, by the time you are a conscious being and understand what 'respect' means they have already earned it - but then they must keep it, by for instance, supporting you and being good parents during your childhood and teen years.
@bearthebear: well of course, those who work hard for others should be respected, not only that but valued. People like that are supports on not only the people around them, but the society they live in as well.
@SterbenReyne: yes I agree, there's a social function there too. Which should be recognised and supported, perhaps in the tax system.
@bearthebear: not even gonna touch the tax system... no idea how it works.. but one thing i will say (not sure the right word is..) i don't like economy, simply because people who sit on their asses get paid far more than those who actually work... kinda like how our military, policeman/woman, fire fighters, and medical teams get paid practically shit compared to other jobs. I'm not exactly fond of our military for some reasons either... but if you wanna talk more about that, i'll just say this and leave it. I dislike our military, because it makes no sense, we say we are fighting for our country, when half or more than half the time, we fight wars that aren't our wars, for *our* country, in another country.
Another reason i don't like any military at all, is that everyone is fighting over the shit they already have. it's black friday but worse... (got sidetracked sorry.)
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calicuz · 56-60, M
NO! They deserve your tespect for providing for you.
@calicuz: LOL, i didn't say anything because i didn't need to, but when you said parents, it slipped. I don't need or want support, same goes for sympathy, but thanks?
calicuz · 56-60, M
@SterbenReyne: I do owe you an apology, I lost track of who made the original post. It's not your question, so there was no way for you to include any "details." ✌🏽
@calicuz: Eh shit happens, you don't owe me anything, but thanks.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
Agreed. That shouldn't be too hard if you're a half decent parent as far as I'm concerned
Fernie · F
and how exactly should they "earn it?"
Fernie · F
@SterbenReyne: the child /parent relationship is not just any relationship. Kids in their teens always think they are being disrespected when the parent is in control and says NO...teens HATE THAT and accuse their parents of stupid nonsense when they do not get their own way. What a teen sees as disrespect is simply being a good parent many many many times
@Fernie: ok.. but unlike most people, i know when i need to be told "No." when i was younger, hmm.. i don't know up until the age of 10 i'd lose my shit when i heard the word "no" but now that i'm older and actually have a useful thought process, i know right from wrong, i know what i want, what i don't want, what i need and what i don't need. I also know there is a huge, but fine line, Between wanting and needing something. People usually don't just say No" to something out of nowhere, there's usually a reason ,whether it be good or bad.
@Fernie: if you think i'm bad.. you should my sister, she's 18, a total slob, acts like a 12 year old girl who is a princess when she doesn't get her way. I'm the one who actually listens and takes things into account. (whether you believe me on this or not, i don't really care, why i'm saying this i don't know, but you said teen and my brain just wandered.. because 18 is an adult but at the same time it's not, and it's a bit confusing. sorry i got side tracked again..)
Carver · 31-35, F
I agree. Respect is always a two-way street. Even when it comes to parents and their kids.
Carver · 31-35, F
@bearthebear: I agree but I think parents must work to hold onto that respect.
@Carver: yes, I think en gros we agree. I said this in my longer post beneath. They can also lose this respect in a whole number of ways. But I don't like the way this post seems to suggest that parents start without earned respect by the time the child learns the word.... But yes, parental respect must be kept and it can be lost.
calicuz · 56-60, M
@bearthebear: Amen to that!
Zelllambert · 36-40, F
If they have dedicated their lives to raise you the best they could they deserve respect. You don't have to like their attitude but they usually do have their reasons.
I'm guessing your parents slapped you upside the head enough times to have posted this... Makes sense.
They earn it for paying for everything you have today. 😂
curiosi · 61-69, F
Yep, agree, some are not even worthy of the title "parent"
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
That is true, but respect isnt earned, its given to everyone because theyre the same as ourselves, just different life styles
curiosi · 61-69, F
@MartinTheFirst: I may act in a respectful manner, doesn't mean I actually do respect them.
Hassan · 22-25, M
Well, the relationship with parents shouldn't be close...
really, In principle parents and their teen children should not be a close one?
Hassan · 22-25, M
Respect should always be earned ,just because someone gave birth to you, or is blood related, doesn't mean they automatically get respect.. if that was the case all this drama with kids wouldn't be an issue. (and yes i know some people are just assholes and disrespectful by default.)
@bearthebear: I know, it's because it's a "child" who posted it, and because "children" aren't "Adults" they aren't taken as seriously. so everyone scrambles around trying to prove everything they can.. it's annoying..
@SterbenReyne: I know teens are not treated with the respect they deserve, especially in the US. But it's true that as a parent I reacted defensively to this question too... because it smacks of ungratefulness.
@bearthebear: well, that goes hand in hand though.. not only with the US but in general, respect and gratefulness are almost non existent now. i mean, it's still here, but hard to find in most places.

Fair enough, but being grateful for something and respecting someone are two different things... granted they go hand in hand, and very well a that.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Haaaaaaaa Howabout a boot up d ass instead
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Waow, this world is coming to an end
sure, they probably will when you learn to wipe your ass properly

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