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meggie · F
I had that happen and the aggressive man followed me for over a mile and told me i indicated left and went right. I was driving home the same route as i always drive and always turn right there as it is a T junction. I doubt i did indicate left, but there was no excuse to follow me shouting and flashing the lights and scare me like that and then swear at me. Luckily there were others around as i think he would of hit me or maybe robbed me.
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
Of course, these guys never make a mistake themselves!
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@deepblacknothingness] sorry to here that there was no call for that . granted he was upset by you cutting him up maybe rightly but you made a genuine error by the sound of it
I had a guy do this to me before it's scary how unhinged some people are
BizSuitStacy · M
Don't let the asshats get under your skin.
4meAndyou · F
That happened to me, years ago. He followed me into the parking garage at work. I could not get out of the car, so I drove to the mall parking garage where there are cameras everywhere, and he finally left.
Doesn't this often end in homicide over there?
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