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I injured my thumb at work today. It got smashed between metal pans while putting dishes away.

It's bruised under the nail and it hurts. Looks crooked at the joint too compared to my other thumb. I can bend it so i don't think it's broken. As time passes i can flex it more
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@moonchildxx] 😣 sorry too hear that i hope you have not broken it but keep on eye on it all the same. i did something like that at work a few months ago at work . i dropped something on my finger . i never broke it luckily but the nail was badly bruised and painful and i lost the nail eventually . you might loose your nail too if it is badly bruised but really i suppose that is no big hardship compared too what a broken finger would of been for you
exexec · 61-69, C
That hurts. I had a job in high school that sometimes involved using a 3 pound hatchet to drive nails. I always managed to hit my thumb the first week. It hurt really badly from the pressure buildup under the nail, so I used my pocket knife to drill a hole in the nail and relieve the pressure and let the blood out. I eventually lost the nail, and you probably will, too. I don't recommend my surgical procedure.
NinjaStar · 100+
tartar sauce!!! 🤬

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