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Grateful4you · M
Gains were made in the late 50's and 60's legally and politically. Like the social security act, there were "growing pains" like labor inequalities because in many cases ( Especially, City, state, and federal agency human resources sometimes gave jobs based on race rather than qualification because a certain number of minority applicants had to be hired or the government funding to the school or agency would be witheld.
These concerns had to be studied and problem solved but for the next ensuing decades proceeded without a lot of violent or untoward behavior. It wasn't until extreme politics made efforts to be "politically correct" some kind of personality deficit. Racism and intolerance has indeed raised it's head making the murder of black men and women by law enforcement so common place it's hardly considered newsworthy.
White people supporting equal rights are ridiculed by BOTH races and accused of being "Phony bleeding hearts" Black people brought to anger by the resurgence of torture/murder at the hands of white racist are called "Terrorist"
These things happen of course in other countries but the numbers and the frequency are starting to paint a somewhat different picture.
These concerns had to be studied and problem solved but for the next ensuing decades proceeded without a lot of violent or untoward behavior. It wasn't until extreme politics made efforts to be "politically correct" some kind of personality deficit. Racism and intolerance has indeed raised it's head making the murder of black men and women by law enforcement so common place it's hardly considered newsworthy.
White people supporting equal rights are ridiculed by BOTH races and accused of being "Phony bleeding hearts" Black people brought to anger by the resurgence of torture/murder at the hands of white racist are called "Terrorist"
These things happen of course in other countries but the numbers and the frequency are starting to paint a somewhat different picture.
moonie · 26-30, F
it’s a huge thing where i live unfortunately, though i do live in bible belt america so..
Torsten · 36-40, M
to some extent sure. Certainly not to the extent people make out it to be though in most places. People more likely just love being victims or white knights and cry racism when they get treated like shit, just as everyone else is treated
Elessar · 26-30, M
Wasn't it a thing right wingers wouldn't be banning books and the very concept of teaching about it.
Good luck convincing the lunatic followers of such parties, and the self-proclaimed "centrists" who enable them with their non-vote
Good luck convincing the lunatic followers of such parties, and the self-proclaimed "centrists" who enable them with their non-vote
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Brits: Americans are so racist 🧏
Also Brits: *extremely racist towards Pakistani and Indians* 👩🦯
Also Brits: *extremely racist towards Pakistani and Indians* 👩🦯
InHeaven · F
Political tool. Divide and conquer
Bonnie · 41-45, F
It is in every country
BridgeOvertroubledWaters · 61-69, M
It exists everywhere
bijouxbroussard · F
It’s still a thing. When you’ve been it’s target long enough you still recognize the little stuff, even if you let it go.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
A blend of all
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