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TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
open boarders. visa free travel. is the only thing i can see changing.. going back to the pound from the Euro?..
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
We're not in the Euro. Never have been !
Part of the row is because the French are too lazy to police the tunnel and their ferries adequately.
So we end up with folk coming over in the back of lorries who either disappear once in the UK.
Or are trying to find a way to America !
Part of the row is because the French are too lazy to police the tunnel and their ferries adequately.
So we end up with folk coming over in the back of lorries who either disappear once in the UK.
Or are trying to find a way to America !
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
seems like the EU could have stopped this by being more.. how can i say.. dictatorish.
personally i wouldnt want a seat at a table if the rules were shut up and do as your told.. oO
personally i wouldnt want a seat at a table if the rules were shut up and do as your told.. oO
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
@theoneyouwerewarnedabout: Part of the Brit problem is that the generation in power dislike the idea of Germany bankrolling the E:U.
Kinda makes you think....wasn't that why we fought a war 70 years ago ?
So that Germany COULDN'T dictate to the rest of Europe ?
Kinda makes you think....wasn't that why we fought a war 70 years ago ?
So that Germany COULDN'T dictate to the rest of Europe ?
UK seem to want all the benefits of being in the EU without being in it.. it's all crazy.
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
There aren't too many benefits. That's the problem !
We STILL pay more for our imported stuff from Europe than other countries.!
Never could work out why buying a car. Made here. Was more expensive to buy than going over to Belgium, buying exactly the same car there for 3/4 of the price !
We STILL pay more for our imported stuff from Europe than other countries.!
Never could work out why buying a car. Made here. Was more expensive to buy than going over to Belgium, buying exactly the same car there for 3/4 of the price !
Goralski · 56-60, M
They ain't goin nowhere