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Ducky · 31-35, F
Whenever mine does, it’s usually her paying me a compliment. If I were you, I’d convey your feelings to him and let him know what he said bothers you. I can kinda see the xylophone thing being a harmless joke since my wife and I will kid around like that sometimes. But if he knows about your body issues, that’s in very poor taste of him. Regardless, I say you should tell him how you feel if you haven’t already.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@apersonnamedit] 🤫sorry to sound thick i am missing the point . what did your partner mean by a xylophone as i do not get the connection at all
I don't mind , so what if someone comments on my body.
Because I am a way worse critic.
Because I am a way worse critic.
perceptivei · 36-40, F
Um. That's terrible