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Dublindude2015 · 61-69, M
14 is fine for an iPhone. She already has access to all the places you would rather she wouldnt - on the internet.

when they can buy it themselves lol
With this one that will be in her 30's
@Deadendgirl: I think it's a silly amount of money to spend, especially with the chances they'll break or lose it.
You can get a used older iPhone for like 50$ on eBay but they need to be aware of the dangers of Internet and social media.. If they are going to have one :/ it's scary.. Idk what I'd do :/ if my kids wanted one.. But I guess most kids nowadays have them with no problem *shrugs
SerenitiesScars · 31-35, M
If I ever have kids they'll never have those kinds of phones honestly. They'll have some modified standard version for calling and texting only. I don't need the stress of knowing my kids are entering sites like this one talking to 55 year old Pete who's profile says he's 16 year old Sarah and has fallen in love with my kids and would like to exchange nudes and how it's their "First time" too so it'll be okay...

No internet for my kids unless it's on a computer and I'm there to monitor their behavior.
Jacey17 · 22-25, T
I got mine at 16, a few months ago, when I was able to afford it.
Good for you ☺️
adshaw · 36-40, M
I received my first phone at 15 but back then the closest thing to a smart phone was a Palm and my handset had a black and white LCD. One can understand the peer pressure on your daughter to have an iPhone, to be able to call and text her classmates; and inevitably participate in using the 'in' app. As much as her social life is important, her safety takes precedence. Only you can decide if she is responsible enough to be entrusted with a device that could potentially be anything from a distraction to a rift in your communication; as she becomes more engrossed with the apps and people, not necessarily from school, who use them.

I would be considering:

- Her maturity and personality in general: is she honest? does she communicate well with you? can you see issues over certain rules cropping up immediately? how easily is she influenced by peer pressure, to the degree that she would consider doing something rash to get friend's approval or that of a boy?

- Her technology skills: does she know how to set permissions on what the app can access and what information she makes public? is she aware of scammers and predators? is she competent enough to ensure the phone is updated and safeguarded against potential intruders, who could steal details and/or photos under the wrong circumstances?

- Potential benefits: will this ultimately keep her safer, so long as she uses it wisely? will this help her learn new things, particularly about technology, that will reap rewards in the future?

Not an easy decision. Despite the prevalence of smartphones, you do have the option of giving her a basic phone or denying her one outright. It's your parental duty and right to make such decisions; and she should respect them, even if she disagrees. You don't say/do things for no reason.
There are two issues here. The issue of what's considered to be the right choice, and the second issue of what you (as a parent) think is the right thing to do. The truth is that in these days kids are all out against each other by peer pressure alone. Her friend has a I-phone, as does her friend and another friend. They all have I-phones, so doesn't it seem right that your Daughter has one also?

I don't suggest you agree with that, but it's with that mentality that some parents in your position would be out there buying her one right now. It's not too unlike how we, as adults, can speak of 'keeping up with the Jones's' and how we feel that doing such is a folly; whilst thinking nothing of parting with 100's of $'s for a phone.

It's your choice in the end. Maybe some might say you don't have much of a choice, whilst others might say it would be the wrong thing to do. It really is up to what you think is right for both your Daughter and yourself :)

[Edit for typo]
Ynotisay · M
I'd hold off as long as possible. If you think it would be good for emergencies then get her one and set up a plan that doesn't allow for internet access. In my opinion, kids living in their phones is really detrimental.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
My daughter has a ' good enougj' phone. It allows her to do all she needs to do. It was half the price of an I phone....but hardly cheap! It's better than mine! Lol. She's had this one about 4 months but her last one....she smashed the screen 3 times...hence we won't buy her a super duper one because she's not responsible enough to look after it! She's 15 btw.....but she doesn't take care of anything x
Bjoern1997 · 26-30, M
Hmm maybe buy one 2nd hand. And if she breaks it she has to pay
I don't think it's ever necessary or appropriate for a CHILD to have a $600 phone.
I already left a response appropriate to the asker of the question, but looking at your comment and treating it as I see it? I totally agree with you; and I do mean totally :)
tbh,, ONLY if the phone,, ( id need not be an Iphone,, so expensive)
is the kind that you can use tracking on, NO ONE is more sure they are totally fine being left alone in the big world than a 14 year old.
ALSO< make a deal,, she wants this? she has to "Pay" with good grades and behavior AND you get her passwords..AND you get to lock out certain kinds of sites
there is no one as at risk in this environment than a young teen girl.
RisingVirginia · 26-30, F
My children can have a sell phone at age 10-12, and they will sign a contract I have already made. Maybe this would work for you. Gives them a chance. You list your rules and conditions of them having a cell phone and then the agreed upon consequence for breaking one of the rules. For me, it's that they lose their phone. No questions asked. I can show you mine if you want.
That is exactly what I did do lol. Thank you.
I think it's okay if you can afford it. I got my son a phone when he was 15.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
14 is old enough. I got my first cellphone when i was 13. Wasn't a smartphone, naturally, but I think once they hit the teens all the other kids have them. If she ever goes anywhere, you can contact her easily. It's advantageous to you, too, in my opinion.
I'm more concerned about these apps I'm hearing about. Tinder and the like. Do you know of a way to block them?
bargen0www · 26-30, M
@Deadendgirl: nope only really useful thing is constantly go through her phone once a day
Celt43 · 46-50, M
Well any sort of smartphone is a worry to let your kids have its a double edged sword as great peace of mind to know u can reach your child at any time but of course theirvare plenty of downsides and 14 is probably the right age I would love not to give my daughter a phone til 16 but I don't think that is realistic 😔
exploringfantasies · 51-55, M
When the leave the house without your direct supervision. Just make sure to control everything about the phone using one of the Nanny apps to prevent them from using apps you don't approve of or know about or taking pictures and sharing them, etc. Let them use apps your approve of only and of course make them call or text you when they are out of your supervision. With the Nanny app you should be able to find out where they are, or at least where their phone is. Most importantly talk to your child about the dangers of the Internet and what to do if they are uncomfortable with something and how to handle money, so when you give them a $300+ smartphone and the say drop it in the toilet, make them repay you with chores and whatever else until they get a new phone, etc.
Shadowstep · 26-30, M
I didn't get my first phone until I was 16 and I didn't get my first smartphone until 17 (it was an out dated model) and I don't find a point in buying a brand new iPhone 7 for $700 when you can just get them a $90 smartphone that has the same functionalities and near same performance as an iPhone
If I had kids, I'd introduce them to technology early so they'd have a leg up on their peers.
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@BeingMe98: 5 would be considered early.
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lucetta12 · 36-40, F
Don't do it. You're so right. She doesn't know how lucky she is to have a smart parent. She will thank you in the long run. You have a good right to be over protective, it's crazy out here. Good job.
MissD10 · F
The ways things are these days I would put one of those monitoring programs on the phone first
That would be happening for sure.
Icetrey · 41-45, M
I think 14 is an appropriate age to have a phone, but I don't know if i'd go so far as to say they should have an iphone.
Transformedandevolved · 26-30, M
Most of my friends had it by 16 but honestly I think we shouldn't use an iPhone(smartphone) at all.
is there a practical function that she needs it for? not likely. supposed to be for calling home in emergencies. now cell phones are just like computers. with time wasting games and internet access that's not needed during school hours. how does she plan on using it? ain't no one nowhere that NEEDS to text. sure everyone wants to because its super convenient but...sorry i believe i started rambling... did i help at all darlin?
Well its not good to spoil your kids too much but I dont think buying her an iphone is a bad thing.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M

i enjoy the fact that having communication is available.

though my brats never really abused the whole 'staying in touch and especially emergencies' setup.

unsure, i guess it depends on (again) many factors.

i just want to know where my kids are especially if they've got troubles, going to be away a while, out of town or?

i can't handle losing any loved ones.

'course my kids are adults now.. but, :D they try to make an effort to.. "stay in touch" i suppose.

Bjoern1997 · 26-30, M
I think if she's 14 allready it's Time for her first smartphone. Many school classes have a what's app group where try chat about anything.
2. it would be easier to connect with friends then.
3. she is at a age where she's going to explore the world and a smartphone comes handy then. So she can call her parents or use it as a gps.

Just let her make her first experiences becouse sooner or later she has to make them.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
When they drive. At that point they show some responsibility. That's what i did.
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Brattyamylove · 18-21, F
im 16 and on here via google so it doesnt matter what phone she gets
I gave my daughter one at 9.
With Internet access?
@Deadendgirl: No data, only wifi at home where I can monitor, and limited phone and text for emergencies only.
Fernie · F
On the other also don't want her to be a sheep
NotHereForYou · 31-35, F
When they have a job and can buy one. Lol
bargen0www · 26-30, M
Wait another year and tell her to work for it. So she buys it, pays the bill, and learns the value of money. Cuz it will help her a lot in the future, plus if your daughter wants an iphone, give her a cheap phone that cant even text. and tell her she has to afford the iphone herself. Its a good life lesson
bobden · 56-60, M
I would agree with some of the other comments, much too expensive and a high risk it would get broken.

Maybe look to upgrade her current phone for her next birthday, but I would still stay below i-phone level.
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
I would do a flip phone first with strict rules about usage and stuff. That you can see the phone any time and go from there.. if she passes that test for a year or so, maybe a smart phone with the same rules, and more.
meemo70 · 51-55, M
14 is an appropriate age in my opinion. My 11 years old son keeps asking me to get him an iPhone and I promised him to get him one at 14 :) many of his class mates have ones though
wudifu · 46-50, M
My eldest do very well i school work and in sports and with a very busy friends life...and she askedbme for one for about a year...she does look after it very well and is very responsible with it..
getmeouttahere · 36-40, F
I got my first phone when I was 14 but it was a Nokia and the only game it had was snake. I'd let my daughter get one because there are ways to monitor. Even can track her whereabouts!
if she has one you can make it a rule that she rings you and lets you know where she is and if she plays up you have some thing to take off her as a punishment
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We just gave one to our 12 year old .
No data , only home Wifi
She can't take it to her room . It stays in the living room.
fddlpej · 61-69, M
I think anymore for safety they should have some type of phone. What type is up to your family.
Normanwestie · 61-69, M
My friends grandaughter has one at twelve & it has been a godsend if she has ever needed to keep in contact,
Noway345 · M
I would have some very strict boundaries if you decide to make the plunge. Problems with follow.
TheCapedCrusader007 · 36-40, M
Tell her to earn first and then teach her not to buy stuff
I don't think I've ever actually paid for a phone lol, I just use hand-me-downs I get for free.
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MichaelT · 36-40, M
At the age when he/she understands the value of money.
Let her have one sure you can put restrictions in place if you need to

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