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And what did the FBI, find after raiding Donald Trumps home

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Nothing of any significance this is just the desperate democrats way of trying to sabotage him from running for President again it is sad and pathetic yes Trump has done some stupid shit yes he likely has even commited crimes but he was still head over heels a better President than that clueless old clown Biden and it is also foolish of anyone to think that the Democrats havent also commited their share of crimes as well
PatKirby · M
A fair observation. They're getting desperate.
@PatKirby the democratic party fears Trump like hell in all honesty all politicians fear him because he marches to the beat of his own drumb he doesnt conform to what they "want him to be" and governments do not like those that they can not control
Adrift · 61-69, F
And snap chat videos of Hillary throwing a tantrum after she lost the election.
PatKirby · M
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Pretty sure most of those rich corrupt fucks do drugs of some sort or another. And or hookers and kids.

I am for team gut both parties and go with Washington's warning about parties, but Americans as a people deserve this shit, so it's all good.

Ya get the gov you deserve.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@GeistInTheMachine True.
Their personal lives are probably a real mess.
Bottles of fake tan/news
Ingwe · F
a sxdoll of milania

she won't let him touch her nowadays
TheArbitrator · 36-40, M
Americans need to get serious and stop making a joke out of everything. This is serious. This is the kind of thing that deserves a Jan 6 riot on Capitol Hill. Nancy Pelosi and democrats have gone too far. Never before in history of the USA has a political party weaponized the FBI in an effort to prevent a candidate from running for office.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@TheArbitrator America is going down.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Never before in history of the USA has a political party weaponized the FBI in an effort to prevent a candidate from running for office.
look up J Edgar Hoover sometime. A life long republican.

Especially all the thousands he brought down claiming they were communist.

Heck even Ronald Reagan was on his list as a democrat! In his honor there's a dam named after him still.
Bottom line all politicians are corrupt

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