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Why do I always look like a giant in photos?

So tonight we had the “Meet The Staff” Night. I just got home. Someone offered me a ride home which was nice. Instead of Uber.
Anyways when the staff and I we’re taking a photo and I saw it on the school page, SHIT I look like a giant. Someone commented, “Whoa that young woman in the left is VERY TALL!” Beautiful photos ladies!
The teacher said to be 4’9” and the other two staff said to be 5’4 and 5’7. They were asking about each other’s heights. I hate when people ask me that. People would go “DAMN YOU'RE TALL!!!” Or “You’re a big girl/woman.”
That makes me feel insecure. I’m 5’11”3/4. I am NOT 6ft. When I told them, they’re like, “Wow you’re lucky to be so tall. You’re a 6ft girl. No way you gotta be at least 6’3” or 4. You’re WAY taller than 6ft! You don’t see that a lot. Know we know who to ask when we need to get high things lol.” I told them I’m 5’11” 3/4 NOT 6ft.” They didn’t answer and moved on.
kentex35 · 100+, M
I dated a gal for a while that was 5'10 or 11. I am 5'8. Some of the guys seemed a little jealous and most wanted to take my place. I'm not much of a dancer so not sure about slow dancing. Only thing is she liked her drinks and beer and when she would get a bit right she would lean on her hand elbow on my shoulder. I've never been much on that half still for me arm around the shoulder thing
You know how close talkers do sometimes, out their arm around you so you have to listen..
Anyway shoulders back. I know some take girls hunch over to hear and get in that habit. Well aren't you glad I showed up lol. So I talk to much
Sadly it is such a unque thing. People don't know your feelings behind it all. Me personally at 6ft4 would call you a short ass just to try and be amusing lol
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Be proud to be tall.
LaylaTheTallGirl · 22-25, F
@AthrillatheHunt Why? People are always looking at me and comment on how tall I am. They don’t do that to tall guys. Why girls? I am always the tallest female in classrooms or whatever. I’m the tallest female in my family both sides accept for my late mother who was 6’2”
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@LaylaTheTallGirl you need to realize you won the generic lottery, to some extent . I’m 6’4 and my gf is 6’1.
For whatever reason you have no idea how rare (rarity = value) you are .
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