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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
there are two types of herbals that are really helpful for making you feel cooler. One is hibiscus tea, It is also called Jamaican tea. It is commonly sold in Hispanic grocery stores and health food stores, a pretty red color and it has a refreshing flavor. Another is to take fresh mint, cardamom seeds and fennel seeds and put in a blender with a glass of water, blend up and strain and drink. Flavor not quite as nice but it cooled me quickly when I got overheated working without an a/c.
nonsensiclesnail · F
Have you tried placing a bucket of I’ve in front of the fans?? It’s almost pleasant.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@nonsensiclesnail towels soaked in water and wrung out with a fan in front of them, can put on a laundry rack or stretch out on something else where a fan can blow over them. The humidity got down to 16% yesterday and that’s perfect for doing this (I have a/c though so didn’t do it)
TexChik · F
Window unit!
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Try dousing your shirt with cold water, like take handfuls of water and splash them all over your shirt. It will keep you cool for a while. 🌻
Iwillwait · M
What was stolen?
Wow.. sorry.. when we first moved they wouldn't give us permits for electric and our house got over 106’F inside 😳 it was miserable .. yikes.. i saw somewhere people blowing fans over ice to cool places but idk how good that works
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Can you go someplace like a library and hang out during the day till it closes?