Kingfish · 31-35, M
666Maggotz · F
I'm not racist as far as I know and I'm a Trump supporter. I'm part Puerto Rican, fight me boi.
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GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
@KellyHi: I'm looking forward to your suffering for his 'leadership'.
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KellyHi · 26-30, F
@danondorf: 100% US Citizen. Born in Japan raised in Cali.
Spitbak · 56-60, M
😟People who accuse people of being racist ARE racist!
Invisible · 26-30, M
I find it tragic that the world is this ironic
Spitbak · 56-60, M
😟I find it disturbing as well my friend!@Invisible:
Not all of them but a lot imo
I have no doubt that there is some truth to that
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CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
I'd say they aren't troubled by it.

Some are, most are not.

@nakedguy No, he doesn't want to deport all people from Mexico. He only wishes to deport those who came here illegally.
He has not tried to prevent immigrants from Europe from entering. He has put restrictions on people who are coming from countries known as terrorist breeding grounds so we can develop better ways to restrict those who wish to come here with a desire to cause chaos and mayhem.
When you own as many companies involved in real estate as President Trump, you will be involved in disputes. Not all lawsuits claiming misdeeds against a company are legitimate. Not all legitimate claims are the direct result of the beliefs of the man at the top.
None of your statements come close to proving your accusations to be true.
He has not tried to prevent immigrants from Europe from entering. He has put restrictions on people who are coming from countries known as terrorist breeding grounds so we can develop better ways to restrict those who wish to come here with a desire to cause chaos and mayhem.
When you own as many companies involved in real estate as President Trump, you will be involved in disputes. Not all lawsuits claiming misdeeds against a company are legitimate. Not all legitimate claims are the direct result of the beliefs of the man at the top.
None of your statements come close to proving your accusations to be true.
nakedguy · 70-79, M
He didn't want to restrict parole from the one country believed to be responsible for 911. Most of the countries on his restricted list have no ties to terrorism.
nakedguy · 70-79, M
Do you consider KKK to be racist? Trump has documented support from KKK and other white supremist groups and has done little to nothing to discourage nor discredit them. If you don't think these people and he are racists, then you are obviously a racist.
Alfarrobas · 31-35, M
Alfarrobas · 31-35, M
They are people. And, as a group, it has all of it's many diferences. More when you mix more than 60 million people.
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
Blame the inbred parents for not teaching their kids right and wrong
thedarkside · M
Mike! Don't say that. Democrats are stupid enough to believe anything.
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hami1091 · 41-45, F
If I were to take a guess I'd say Trump and Clinton both have some racist supporters, but Clinton possibly had more than Trump since she had the higher popular vote and both had more than Stein and what's his name because they didn't have that many votes.
nakedguy · 70-79, M
Trump has come out as more racist than anyone else except other gops. You can't really say Clinton is racist. He is against anyone else than other white males.
Invisible · 26-30, M
@nakedguy: You can't say Clinton is racist? Oh.

lorne13 · 61-69, M
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Invisible · 26-30, M
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
lorne13 · 61-69, M
was Hitler anti-Semitic?
nakedguy · 70-79, M
No he just killed jews
Nope! But anti trump persons are idologphobes!
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
Well, most likely, yeah? Unless they support him ironically or something.
If you support someone who is openly racist against mexicans, black people, and Native Americans, and whose company has been sued TWICE for not renting to black people, you either gotta be stupid af or racist.
If you support someone who is openly racist against mexicans, black people, and Native Americans, and whose company has been sued TWICE for not renting to black people, you either gotta be stupid af or racist.

Only the ones that belong to the KKK and American Nazi Party
Sharon4now · M
yes and they eat live babies while spewing radiation.
666Maggotz · F
oh hell yeah
Sharon4now · M
@MorbidCynic: 😉
nakedguy · 70-79, M
Yes. They are also sexist, bigosts, etc if you support him you support what he is.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Only d black Muslim and Mexican ones