I only wish my photo could really show the miles of rolling prairies near my house...and impart how I feel when I look out over the horizon. I was out yesterday looking for Prairiechickens (look it up, they’re a native bird species) gathering on their mating grounds doing their mating dances
@JerseyGal oh my, so nice to read of your delight in these native vistas. There’s a serenity that rolls across the hills. So glad you are always read to enjoy the prairies.
@DearAmbellina2113 we both are inspired by wide-open vistas - just different ecosystems. BTW, I lived in the Wind River Mtns of Wyoming...so I know those vistas as well 😀
@Elevatorpitches You got it!! I Can’t Explain why my eyes delight in the rolling prairies…maybe the vistas tickle something primal in my brain 🧠 Thanks for the music 🎶