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Do guys care about stretch marks? I'm really insecure about mine and I feel like I should warn the guy before we hook up or something.

First year university I was a chunky monkey and gained a good 40lbs. I went from 180 lbs to 130 lbs in a few months and stretch marks showed up like delayed I guess because they appeared when I had already dropped the weight.

Anyways, I have a few like silvery marks under my belly button that I'm really insecure about. Also if I sit in specific ways my skin on my torso looks a little loose. Not noticeable unless I am sitting hunched over. But I'm still insecure and frustrated about both. I feel mad I let myself get so chubby because I ruined my body basically for curly fries.

Sorry I keep rambling. Anyways, this guy who's probably the hottest guy thats every been into me wants to hangout and I actually like him a lot. But I don't want to go through the heartbreak of someone commenting on them or not wanting to be with me because of them. He seems nice enough but I have guy friends and I hear how they talk about girl's bodies you know.

I don't want to sentence myself to a life alone by being scared to show guys my body and whatever, but I'm very hesitant. Do guys care that much? Like would it be a deal breaker? Should I tell him ahead of time so he doesn't think I catfished him? He is in my classes so I can't really deal with seeing him everyday after this if he decides I'm gross.
If they care find one who doesn't. There are plenty out there who realize we are human and not photo shopped models.
summersong · F
Many of us have stretch marks. Life is too short to be with anyone who would be turned off by that. You deserve better.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
> Do guys care that much?

Nobody can speak for literally every man in the world. Most won't care or even notice.

> Like would it be a deal breaker?

God I hope not. It'd only be a deal breaker if he was unbelievably shallow. And if he is, then that personality should be a deal breaker for you.

> Should I tell him ahead of time so he doesn't think I catfished him?

This is not catfishing. Catfishing is when you lie about your identity. It is totally normal to not immediately volunteer information about your body you're insecure about.

Keep in mind he's insecure about his own shit too because everyone is. All of us are imperfect and anyone who pretends otherwise is delusional.

If he acts in the way you are afraid of then that is a RED FLAG and not normal.
Emele · 31-35, F
I'm so sorry you have the insecurity of this, I think 'behind closed doors' people are much more accepting of things like that than they may appear from 'guy conversations' etc. Or even by the standards given as 'normal' in society now. It is an easy thing to say but your attitude and confidence will go a long way and the more you build it up as a worry in your head the more chance there is of projecting that insecurity. Any decent guy will either not see it as an issue from the start, or accept that women, and people, are real and have lives and things that will show on their body. I honestly think it would be a tiny, tiny minority that would be 'put off' to the point of not wanting to be with someone because of it.
canadianbacon · 22-25, M
I don't think you have to worry. Stretch marks are pretty normal. I feel like everyone gets them at some point whether that be during puberty or weight/height fluxuation. Honestly, no guy you're hooking up with is going to be doing a full body scan of you and especially if he likes you it would definetly not be a deal breaker.

I don't see why it would be a problem. It wouldn't be a problem for me at least if I liked them. Congrats on losing the weight also that's really impressive! I kept my freshman 40 haha.
I largely disowned my own and a huge part of it was how they talked about you girls bodies.

I mean I love the female form but I've seen it too and how utterly unapologetic our media is about judging.
NO!!! But if they bother Vitamin E...oil or gel and apply everyday to the stretchmarks. In a few months most will completely disappear.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
It will be a deal breaker for some. That's a good thing though. It highlights their superficial nature, and is a clear "move on" signal.

Also, don't refer to your body as ruined, it's not. Own your stretch marks. I find it far more off putting when someone focuses on a "flaw" and spends too much time obsessing over it and pointing it out all the time.

I say tell potential partners about them, not as a warning, but so they know that it's something that you are sensitive about. Leave it at that, unless they do something that makes you uncomfortable.
Yeah I feel insecure of them too. And cellulite. But then again everyone has them to a degree. I think if it causes you stress and you think of it as it is something you are hiding,probably because of your emotions towards them,speak to him about it. Just so that you can stress less,because I think he will like you either way and stretch marks are very natural anyway and expected tbh
SweetMae · 70-79, F
We all have flaws that make us self conscious. I believe most men overlook those if they care about a woman just she overlooks his flaws.
Montanaman · M
Not at all. If a guy is genuine and kind and caring, he'll appreciate you for you, inside and out. 🤗🌹
Afc71 · 51-55, M
Some might be, but i suspect most of us don't pay them any attention
notsure · 56-60, M
No we don't care they are marks of life
Daviszabecki · 56-60, M
No! (Would you care if he has stretch marks?)
Not guys who aren’t superficial
Bellylover420 · 31-35, M
I think stretch marks are sexy.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
They never bothered me

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