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Most of my family and friends are really depressed with being overweight, and slowly, I became one of them. They keep telling me how disappointed they are with their bodies. One morning, I refuse to eat rice. Then I heard "she refuses so she can lose weight." But the real reason is, I'm tired of them calculating my freaking meal. Then they don't stop talking and mocking.

I ask them, why people are obsess to look perfect. They do everything to have perfect body. I know that I'm a little overweight, and I believe I can manage it soon. I really don't care if the person I'm seeing is fat or thin, what matters to me is if she or he is healthy and happy, then I am happy as well.

I'm not the kind of person who have lots of insecurities. But when people around are so negative, I'm starting to be one of them.
PatKirby · M Best Comment
After many, many years I finally dropped the pounds by eliminating all sources of sugar. The weight came off naturally. Even the doctor took notice. Walking around the block accelerated the loss. It cost me the price of a pair of good walking sneakers. Try it. It'll probably do the same for you, plus your positive attitude will be back in no time.

No telling what it'll do for them though.

BlueVeins · 22-25
Ugh, I'm so sorry. That just sounds really toxic and I hope you're holding out OK fam.
GreenNatured95 · 26-30, F
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully ignoring the negative and embracing the positive will get you threw this. Don’t let there negative vibe get to you.

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