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Do you feel the police in your country are respectful?

I feel like the police force in the U.K. has improved a lot. They lost the respect of the public but now seem to have turned it around. When I watch how the police deal with the public in the states I can only feel grateful it’s not like that here. I feel respected as our laws keep them in check and prevents them from abusing their power. I can’t speak for everyone here but that’s my experience.
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revenant · F
When the police acts for the government here, they are ruthless. People lost their eyes, their lives during the "yellow jackets" movement.
Budwick · 70-79, M
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@Budwick I feel for your wife raising someone else’s child lol
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@Budwick I know are but what am I so sad
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
No especially our local police who seem to think their god when they put on a uniform.
Budwick · 70-79, M
The police are fine.

The citizens are the problem.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
They're quite respectful in my hometown.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@Sidewinder Detroit?
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@hunkalove Huntsville.

Huntsville Ontario, Canada, to be precise.

It's a small town.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Nah they're okay for the most part. Even when they thought I was a terrorist and wanted to inspect my backpack.. They were okay about it.
JustNik · 51-55, F
I feel the majority of police are good people who take their job seriously. We just don’t hear as much about the ones who aren’t doing anything wrong. There doesn’t seem to be enough training here and there certainly isn’t enough accountability. We all know the asshole at work - we need to accept that that’s more of a problem when said asshole gets a gun and gets to keep his job no matter what he does. We don’t need our police defunded as some have called for - I think we need the good ones funded and supported well and no tolerance for the bad ones. 🤷‍♀️
JustNik · 51-55, F
@JovialPlutonian I don’t understand a damn thing in this country right now. 🤷‍♀️😂
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@JustNik well I wish you got clarity soon enough
JustNik · 51-55, F
@JovialPlutonian you and me both! 🙂🤗
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Denver cops have always had a bad reputation. Bullies behind a badge with a license to kill.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@hunkalove very dangerous, no wonder cops are being killed
Elessar · 26-30, M
The majority of them act professionally.

There have been several exceptions, even recent, and even extreme.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
I’ve had very little dealings with the Police here in the UK but on those rare occasions have found them perfectly pleasant. I agree it’s vastly better here than the US🙂
It has improved from previous decade, but lot more to be done.
xp47rb · M
American police are actually pretty respectful despite all the crap you see on sensationalist media. Those who have trouble with them nearly always have not only broken the law but have given attitude while resisting arrest. Nearly all those shot have given the officers who shot them reason to fear for their own lives.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@xp47rb there are obviously a lot of officers that are giving the police a very very bad name. Would it not make sense to eradicate them from the force to improve ppl’s perspective of the police?
xp47rb · M
@JovialPlutonian there are not a lot of officers giving the police a bad name. There's a very rare bad apple but the sensationalism of the media and publicity given to ignorant people who blame the police rather than the criminal and confuse justice with vengeance is what has given them the bad name.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@xp47rb I strongly disagree, in comparison to how police deal with criminals in the U.K. we are worlds apart for sure
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
We have the worst police force in the developed world. Burgerstan does lots of things right, but fucks this part up again and again. Between the bootlickers and anarchkiddies, the sane approaches get lost in the dueling diatribes.
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