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When will England fully submit to Sharia law?

I say 5 years tops.
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theyre forcing non islamic students to recite islamic prayers in schools..

its already lost..
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
We haven't yet sunk into the sea either. Not yet is a stupid baseless argument. I am a conservative Christian but spouting conspiracies about sharia law when there's only a handful of (moderate) Muslims in our Parliament and when the Church of England is the ESTABLISHED church with the Queen as its head shows an obsession and no respect for the truth @DixieChick:
@MrsPeterEvans: Blah Blah Blah blah...get your freaking head out of the sand!!!!
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
@DixieChick: is that your argument? Really? Try living here. Or tell you what, try naming one court judgement in the UK based on sharia?
LOL and how would this happen? They don't even have sharia law in full force in some predominantly Muslim countries in Southeast Asia - I don't see why Britain is worried.
MuteMeDaddy · 22-25, F
England doesn't have sharia law
Melanzane · 26-30, M
Yes, I'm aware of that, but it's coming.
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Melanzane · 26-30, M
Who did?
Gumba1000 · M
North East has barely any.
Wellp heres another war on our way.
Gumba1000 · M
Not enough Asians yet.
Melanzane · 26-30, M
Thegreateast · 31-35, M
After the terrorists fly the twin towers into big ben.
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
That's nonsense we have English law not Sharia law
Melanzane · 26-30, M
For now.
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
@Melanzane: forever you're just making things up. Five years? Nonsense. We have enough trouble keeping this country Christian without pandering to this muckracking
UltraViolet · 22-25, F
I have it on good authority that Islam is doomed. Help is on the way.
Showaddict · 70-79, M
I call Bullshit on it - totally!
Give me more than one UK Right Wing / Nationalist web site where any of the this is documented!
I see that same alarmist crap in the right wing extremist blogs in the USA... You dig and dig and there is no independent verification for these stories

Like Trump saying there was a video of "Muslims" dancing and cheering as the twin towers came down. But no one could ever produce a copy of it. It would have been a huge freaking story and no one has a picture? Come on!
Thodsis · 51-55, M
It's unlikely to ever happen. The British people are being superb in their slow rejection of religious bullshit.

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