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I think people in the West, and especially in America, take too many medications. Pills are not the answer to everything. I'm not saying flush them all down the toilet or go "homeopathic", but I think we need to look at how many pills we collectively take and ask ourselves if it's ultimately a good thing.
@SW-User that's very true. We aren't meant to be drugged every day .-.
@SW-User Agreed
Burgers suck.
@SW-User 馃槼 good luck 馃弮馃徎
@SW-User get back here and gimme all your luck!

@SW-User I'm running away from this slaughter 馃槼
The word feminist is unnecessary.
@Nadie I think it would be if the true intention was there. I think the concept that's truly being deployed when the word "feminist" is being said is matriarchal.
AntisocialTroll56-60, F
I believe all drugs should be legalised.
Peppa31-35, F
@AntisocialTroll ive not read the article but in order to set up these sites it requires funding. For medical professionals that actually want to do this risky job, for meds and paying for the facilities and of course renting the plots to do this... This country has the NHS to help deal with od as its an emergency. This would always be privately lead as it would be deemed as encouraging drug taking where as the NHS stand for prevention mostly of death and further damage caused my natural illness or accidents. The lines are blurred at various times as the world changes so does demand but its always detriment to health hence why you are screened. Breast reduction is due to poor well being and obvious signs of discomfort and physical impediment affecting day to day life. Which is why on the NHS you get set amounts of rehabilitation for drug taking and addictions they literally clean you up and start you on the path the recovery they don't aide you in maintain the drug habit. If the government hadn't set this up the way they have to have a duty of care to all people i think drug takers and alcohol abusers or any substance abusers would probably be down the bottom in the list of priorities. Simply because again many and I mean many of these abusers contribute very very little to the economy.
AntisocialTroll56-60, F
@Peppa And if you had of read the article I seriously doubt that is the answer you would have given...
Peppa31-35, F
@AntisocialTroll and who was funding this? It seems that when he was here although oked by the government it neither confirms where the money came from to supply addicts with heroin. If it was government funded it was probably under 'experimental' guidelines meaning the government could cut the funding as and when they no longer saw a need for it, and since the government has a tax requirement to meet actually curing people would cause a huge gap in the financial market. Think of it like this. The government actually has a duty to oversea the country we all know they don't have our best interests at heart. That being said something like death by drugs means one less person to pay out for, to house, to rehabilitate, to assign to a social worker and waste their time, to keep chasing to convince to lead a normal life...
We're not born with sexual preferences and have them rigid for life
Peppa31-35, F
@SW-User your chocolate ice cream example I can explain.. My father is a chocolate freak, always has been, growing up I loved chocolate but it was restricted because my mum was a no sugar no salt freak.
I love chocolate and eat it almost exactly the same way my dad did now I'm an adult.
I was always given all foods to try due to my mum wanting me to have a healthy balanced diet. My love for food and passion for cooking and skills comes from my father. Not my mother I didn't live with my dad and he rarely cooked at home because of my mum.
My sexual preference has always been for men, I don't have a particular type all the men I've dated have been very different I like them mostly for instant physical attraction and mental intellect unfortunately the one I've been hooked on was due to looks and faked mental intellect-hes a con artist he knows his opponent and is skilled at moulding himself to suit. When we got together one thing hooked me then my heart followed young and stupid馃槖...
I had a crush on Mariah Carey when I was young but then I realised it wasn't a crush I actually wanted to be her because at the time she was liked by all men white black Asian etc something that I wasnt privileged to. Being a dark skinned black woman I'm disregarded and fetishsized, treated like I'm worthless in comparison to someone like her. I actually bought into wanting to become her to be accepted. (bullied my whole life, can't find a decent relationship as I'm often told I have too high an opinion of myself-causing people to actively prove to me that I'm beneath them) my parents especially my mum was always telling about free love and encouraged me to date whoever I wanted but I like men, and find the aggressive nature of lesbian women towards me quite intimidating thats not attractive and it doesn't make me want to be with them either
@Peppa I think your story matches what my story :v
So hopefully we're on the same page of my understanding of things cuz I certainly can see where you are approaching from
Peppa31-35, F
@SW-User i added on some more in the end...
But i will say this I don't get or understand the new 100 genders there are or the fluidity stuff only because years ago we were moving away from labels as we deemed them harmful to forming prejudices. Now it seems there's a massive movement for it and of course a massive dislike for anyone that states they are hetero and refuses to join in on being labelled differently.
Im straight and although I'm telling you never felt the need to justify my sexuality. Especially as I've been greeted with suspicion that in fact I am lesbian or bi, so my fight has always been the other way. To the point where for large periods of my life I've been "single" then "sex mad" to prove my identity... Single for not wanting to just date anyone, then sex mad for attracting the kind of men I liked at a high frequency during a period of time. Does that make sense? My sexuality has always been straight but I was raped by my female cousin as a child.(I got married to a young boy in nursery)
Hm, let's see...

White Americans are not native Americans. :)
@SW-User blasphemy!! Oh,'re right 馃槃
@SW-User 馃槍
Steak that is well done is the best kind of steak
JoeyFoxx51-55, M
@Dewms only if you enjoy colon cancer
Hotdogs are not sandwiches!
Love is a scam.
lilangel26-30, F
Peppa31-35, F
Everytime I try to just do my job and not involve people in my business like some fucking Facebook update people turn on me like the entitled information whores they are!
lilangel26-30, F
here鈥檚 my unpopular opinion
sex is overrated
lilangel26-30, F
and nudes are overrated @AntisocialTroll
AntisocialTroll56-60, F
@lilangel For me that depends how "arty" they are...nudes on here are vastly overrated mostly but I have seen a tiny few that were artistic/erotic rather than the more graphic in your face stuff.
MySecretIdentity146-50, M
@lilangel How do you know that you just haven't had the right partner?
GrayManOZ46-50, M
I think Prince Andrew is a lucky fellow.
GrayManOZ46-50, M
@Peppa a lot of the time it's free. You don't need to use hookers
Peppa31-35, F
@GrayManOZ well then you're with a non trafficked consenting adult but just have preference or only connect with phillipeano women....
GrayManOZ46-50, M
@Peppa that's true
JoeyFoxx51-55, M
Bernie Sanders would be as bad as Trump
lilangel26-30, F
what are your reasonings @JoeyFoxx
@JoeyFoxx I can agree with this. Less ostentatious corruption... a more subtle dismantling of the USA.
JoeyFoxx51-55, M
@lilangel he is divisive and doesn鈥檛 understand how the economy works

Just like Trump
The moon is not earths natural satellite
Moosepantspatty31-35, M
@AnukBinary that's a curious one! What's the theory?
SoLeRiMix31-35, M
For me, Justin Bieber and Lil Wayne are not a great artist at all!

One is an utter disgrace to pop music and the other one is an utter disgrace to hip-hop music!

As a matter of fact, all new-age hip-hop artists (apart from the underground ones) are an utter disgrace especially the trap rap ones!

Trap rap is more like crap rap!

Opinions vary!

I dunno. they're all popular with me.
MrsCurious26-30, F
That I don鈥檛 like booger flickers!
GrayManOZ46-50, M
I think human produced climate change is a crock, and Greta Thunberg is a sad, depressed kid who is miss-informed and talks rubbish
Vegan is a religion.
MySecretIdentity146-50, M
@lilangel Your from Texas. How are you going to be vegan, lol.
lilangel26-30, F
I鈥檓 from Indiana@MySecretIdentity1
MySecretIdentity146-50, M
@lilangel sorry, I thought you said Texas once.
Circumcision is genital mutilation.
cats are suck
lilangel26-30, F
@lilangel noooo

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