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AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I believe all drugs should be legalised.
lilangel · 26-30, F
even cocaine and heroin?@AntisocialTroll
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@lilangel Yes, the biggest killer for drug users is not knowing the purity of the drugs, if drugs were legalised and regulated the death rate from drug use would drop dramatically.
You also prevent the need for people to commit crimes in order to feed their addiction so it slashes things like burglary/muggings right down.
lilangel · 26-30, F
never trying the drug would also reduce addiction because you wouldn’t have addiction @AntisocialTroll
MySecretIdentity1 · 46-50, M
@lilangel There are some logical merits to that. But, public assistance for users would have to be removed. Sale would need to be made illegal for none private businesses that didn't sell a standard. It would affect child welfare laws, and driving laws. Get people cards that day they revoke any rights to any government assistance of free medical care. That if they break laws about children, they are willing to give up rights to that child. Eventually those people would die off. Our current society keeps protecting tools and they stay in the gene pool because they keep having illegitimate kids that grow up messed up. Let the fit survive and the rest go naturally.
lilangel · 26-30, F
i didn’t understand anything you just said @MySecretIdentity1
Peppa · 31-35, F
@AntisocialTroll they test drugs at festivals for people so they know what's in them and give them back at the users own risk... But do offer a ambulance service should something go wrong. I'm sure if they had more facilities like this then drug users would be safer... I think in certain European countries they have set up drug sites the y get clean needles and can take the drugs there where if the of they can be treated properly with the reversal drugs
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@lilangel But drugs being illegal doesn't stop people trying it either. People have used mind altering substances for thousands of years, presuming that somehow magically that's going to stop is unrealistic in my opinion so why not at least make it as safe as possible for people to do so?
As for addiction have you personally ever tried alcohol? Most of us have yet are not vilified for it why should it be different for those who choose drugs other than alcohol?
None of us wakes up one morning and decides to become an addict, it's sad fact that a certain percentage of people who use alcohol regularly will become addicted, unless you are as pure as the driven snow and have never had things like coffee or booze then please try not to judge those who's substance choices are different from yours.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@Peppa This is something I would like to see a lot more of, even with drugs being illegal we should have somewhere in every locale that it is possible to have your drugs tested, not just festivals.
There has been talk of opening "Fix rooms" for addicts which I also wholeheartedly support.
MySecretIdentity1 · 46-50, M
@lilangel ok fixed.
MySecretIdentity1 · 46-50, M
@AntisocialTroll There used to be opium dens.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@MySecretIdentity1 I'm sure there still are in some places, we don't have them here...anymore...
MySecretIdentity1 · 46-50, M
@AntisocialTroll Yes, there are many less developed countries without a cop every five feet telling you what to do, that still use a natural plant substance.
Peppa · 31-35, F
@AntisocialTroll the only thing I ask is who funds these drug sites?
I read what you said to lilangel about alcohol and many people are bullied into and out of drinking. Bullied into if you don't for religious reasons and bullied out of it if you drink and enjoy it. My experience. When I was younger I often was told that by my friends bf that he never sees me sober, whilst I was tipsy, despite us as a group doing things in the day, the fact I used to drink caused a lot of issues, I realised it was just because people didn't like me. Whatever the popular drink was if I started drinking it the group stopped example buying a bottle of rose and sharing it, i always drank spirits but to save money I started on the rose people no longer wanted to buy it and share it with me. For whatever the reason I am constantly the outcast and bullied for it.
Anyways back to the drugs people judge you regardless of whatever it is you are taking whether it's a legal or illegal high. This world is just notorious for it. Look at veganism, noone actually cared of people were vegans and left them to it but they feel the need to push their views on everyone else. I'm not saying they shouldn't encourage people to consider alternatives to meat to help balance their duets, or reduce the poor conditions animals are kept and slaughtered but its been proven time and time again animal meat is one of the richest sources of protein. And even having one steak would increase and help you retain the protein and iron better than any old vegetable. Especially as people migrate. Black people really do need the sun to survive, reduced sun exposure affects us more than nutritionally even if we are eating well
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@Peppa The funding comes from the vastly reduced costs of dealing with things like OD's (because they would reduce to almost zero unless deliberate) and from the much lesser need for services required currently to help people cope with the chaos caused by their addiction.
Peppa · 31-35, F
@AntisocialTroll ive not read the article but in order to set up these sites it requires funding. For medical professionals that actually want to do this risky job, for meds and paying for the facilities and of course renting the plots to do this... This country has the NHS to help deal with od as its an emergency. This would always be privately lead as it would be deemed as encouraging drug taking where as the NHS stand for prevention mostly of death and further damage caused my natural illness or accidents. The lines are blurred at various times as the world changes so does demand but its always detriment to health hence why you are screened. Breast reduction is due to poor well being and obvious signs of discomfort and physical impediment affecting day to day life. Which is why on the NHS you get set amounts of rehabilitation for drug taking and addictions they literally clean you up and start you on the path the recovery they don't aide you in maintain the drug habit. If the government hadn't set this up the way they have to have a duty of care to all people i think drug takers and alcohol abusers or any substance abusers would probably be down the bottom in the list of priorities. Simply because again many and I mean many of these abusers contribute very very little to the economy.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@Peppa And if you had of read the article I seriously doubt that is the answer you would have given...
Peppa · 31-35, F
@AntisocialTroll and who was funding this? It seems that when he was here although oked by the government it neither confirms where the money came from to supply addicts with heroin. If it was government funded it was probably under 'experimental' guidelines meaning the government could cut the funding as and when they no longer saw a need for it, and since the government has a tax requirement to meet actually curing people would cause a huge gap in the financial market. Think of it like this. The government actually has a duty to oversea the country we all know they don't have our best interests at heart. That being said something like death by drugs means one less person to pay out for, to house, to rehabilitate, to assign to a social worker and waste their time, to keep chasing to convince to lead a normal life...