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What lead to Australian bushfires? Is it related to climate changes??

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ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Related, but not caused by.
Bushfires are almost a natural event here and occur regularly... The native flora had adapted to a large extent, even to the point that some seeds will only germinate after a bush fire.

Having said that, climate change is making them more prevalent and bigger
No, it was the environmental movement pushing lunatic regs, not allowing brush clearing, thus generating significantly more kindling to start and keep fires going.
I'm not sure but probably.

I know that in canada, our wildfire season is starting earlier and lasting longer because of climate change so it stands to reason that this is what's happening in Australia too.
@Pikachu Thanks for saying that Pik...

No problemo!
Cuda6868 · 51-55, M
I can’t speak to Australia’s forest practices, but up here in BC it has been mostly due to 100 years of unnatural fire suppression. A close friend has worked in the forests here for close to 30 years and describes areas with close to 6 feet of duff. This allows for unnaturally hot forest fires that burn longer and can crown. People seem to forget that putting out fires is not natural, forests must burn.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@Cuda6868 American Public Television has a weekly docuseries called Nature that recently had an episode that showcased the Paradise fire in California last year that mentioned that very same thing, that a lot of forests have that particular issue.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
poor land management around inhabited areas, same problem with California; Tree huggers complain about deforestation / logging, forests are left to fill up with easily combustible under growth; one spark, and the whole shabang goes up in flames...

wildfires are nothing new, it's natures way of replenishing itself; the only thing that's changed is our knowledge of it's frequency.

We have them here in NC all the time too, usually due to lightning strikes; most burn themselves out due to lack of rotten undergrowth as fuel and/or are easily contained due to roads & logging trails acting as natural fire lines/breaks

but the media loves to continuously compound simple problems with complex explanations...
Shannon27 · M
@wildbill83 The motto for the media is "Bad news sells".
drought and soaring temperatures. so maybe.
Pherick · 41-45, M
Its certainly related, as temperatures creep higher, fire risk gets higher and lack of water due to that drought will affect the ability of local communities to contain smaller fires.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
There is an epidemic of wildfires globally that are directly related to climate changes.
Wol62 · 51-55, M
Yes! So sorry for those that lost their lives & homes.
It's unlikely that climate change had much to do with it. Lots of opinions out there not based on facts. One article I read said that the law to stop even landowners from clearing bushes, for some unknown environmental cause, was a major cause of the fires.
xixgun · M

Do you know the entirety of Arizona has burned at one point or another and not once has anyone ever suggested this was due to climate change
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Climate Change wow XD that kinda caught me surprise
@Wol62 i don't suffer fools 2 jack this thread

but i thought better of you
Wol62 · 51-55, M
@Whiterosesociety Yet you write like a fool. Are you drunk?
@Wol62 i have too much faith in people actually being able to rise to their own capacities

popmol · 26-30, M
partially at least.
walabby · M
Climate change is probably a factor. A bigger factor is laws that make it difficult to get permits to reduce flammable material.
4meAndyou · F
maxeen · 70-79, F
the HAARP PROGRAM which caused the drought ...
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@maxeen 🙄🤦‍♀️

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